
That’s true, and it’s something I’m going to give a try once I do learn at least some programming. I’m realistic however; I don’t have the visual artistic abilities to do create character and environment art, but I’m going to try anyway. At the very least, maybe I’ll make a decent prototype that a major developer

It could be. I imagine that the video games industry, like any other entertainment/creative industry, gets a lot of people who think that just because they like games they can easily create them. “Hey, I know what makes a good game. I can make one with no problem!” Then, they get into the profession, and are either

I’m a librarian interesting in a career change, and I would love to get involved in game development. Unfortunately, given my educational and professional history, I am unqualified for just about everything, even if I just wanted to be in the broader IT field. So, I’ll need to go back to school, and I’m absolutely

As someone who also does not deal well with crowds and has had to endure Disney, you have my complete sympathy.

If a witcher is cursed (I don’t think they’re immune to curses the way they are immune to poisons and disease) and becomes a werewolf, and another witcher takes up the job of hunting him down while in his normal form but that witcher is a vampire and must also be killed, then which witchman whiches his fellow witching

Definitely, but people also talk to him and treat him with a moderate level of respect. Then again, that could have all been because he was Yen’s +1, or because of his legend and they were amused at meeting him.

And pre-loading. Sweet, sweet pre-loading.

Not sausage, but one of the best bacon cheeseburgers I ever had was over in England. See, we went to a pub, and they had a bacon cheeseburger on the menu. Wanted a taste of home (though I actually really do like British food), I ordered.

Hardee’s is indeed the mad scientist of fast food, and the thing is just about every time their bizarre creations actually taste good. The El Diablo could have been more spicy, but it had a good flavor, and I like to see restaurants try to something other than chicken as a spicy offering. The Velveeta Bacon Melt was

I’ve read this entire thread twice and nobody has “harshed” on you for thinking the game is average or pointing out is flaws.

Ya know, it’s okay for people to like that thing you don’t like. Doesn’t make them a fanboi.

I’ve got to pay closer attention. I keep missing these opportunities to share and I’ve got such great stories.

And now that’s stuck in my head and I kind of hate you.

I second any and all nominations for Sandman and Locke & Key and add a nomination for Sweet Tooth. Also, any series that’s been going on for awhile will have multiple trades out by now; I know you asked for “completed” series, but sometimes jumping in late on a current ongoing via trades is a good thing because you’ll

If you took Roche’s path, I don’t really how she can possibly come back. Even if you took Iorveth’s path, her army probably fell to Nilfgaard. Either way, her role by the time Witcher 3 starts is probably largely irrelevant, if she is even still alive, even given her, um, final form. :-)

The Full Combat Rebalance Mod fixes that. All Witchers have cat eyes, and Geralt does not need a potion to see in the dark. The Cat potion has the same effect as the Blizzard potion.

EDIT: I’m late to the party. Next time I’ll click on “See all replies” before replying.


I’m not entirely sure what I just watched, but it was amazing.

Minor addition but one that I think is worth making: