
And if you just want to straight up power through feeling like the witcher that Geralt is supposed to be, there are even mods that let you start out with one of the skill trees fully maxed out—or all three (that’s the one I have installed, called Experienced Geralt. Great for either subsequent playthroughs or people

Spoken like somebody who has never actually played any of the games.

You must point me in the direction of these fan translation. I cannot wait two years.

Just popping into say that all of the Witcher trivia I’ve thought to add you have already added.

You’re correct in that Geralt “adopted” Rivia as his hometown. Witchers are encouraged to pick common names, and—as in real-world Medieval Europe—surnames are limited to the upper class, thus commoners are identified by their profession or their hometown. Given their options, hometown is the best choice for witchers.

Not sure if you missed the GamerGate reference or if you’re making your own...

Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but you only to pay the stamp if you want to take possession of the weapon? For example, say my local gun store also operates an on-site shooting range, and I pay for a machine gun that they are selling. I can keep the gun at the store, locked away ideally, come in and shoot it whenever

The main thing that CDPR has done, specifically with the newest Witcher game, is prove that we will wait for a game to be delayed multiple times, if it means that the finished product will be worth the wait. It’s the example I’ve pointed to before when discussing Unity; a month of two more in testing, and Ubisoft

I actually agree with just about everything you said, and I do pre-order games from developers and/or publishers I trust. My issue is when we have the developer as the publisher (such as with Ubisoft) or a powerhouse developer that could probably manage a little more influence if they flexed their muscles (such as

What, pray tell, is so dangerous about a thumb hole stock?

I work in public education, so I’ve gotten out of the habit of carrying a pocket knife. Even as a staff member, I can’t have one on my person in an educational facility. Which is a real shame because I have an absolutely beautiful CRKT Onion Ripple and a CRKT M16 Kit Carson—among others—at home. Both of these knives

I tend to think that if people spend their money on something with the understanding that it will work, and then it doesn’t work through no fault of their own, they have a right to voice their concerns and complaints.

The problem is not that you’re wrong, because you are correct. The problem is that you say that like it’s oh-so-easy.


Kind of hard to finish a workout when you’re exhausted before it even begins, like right after the warm-up.

I don’t want to shame you...

I am so, so happy to see someone signing the praises of McDonald’s coffee. They really do have the best coffee of any quick-service place. I actually find it better than Starbucks (who does coffee drinks well, but kind of drops the ball on regular coffee).

I think it has more to do with your worth not being tied to your attractiveness, and accepting the fact that not having a body that looks as if it were sculpted from marble and coiled steel doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re unattractive—or simply put, have people look beyond physical appearance and actually judge

They obviously didn’t think that the critic was objective enough in his reviews and injected too much of his own opinion.

I had fun watching this movie, and the story was structured just like a comic book event min-series, so I would consider it a win. It wasn’t as much fun as Guardians of the Galaxy (though it had a better villain) and it had less personality than the first Avengers (though it had a better story). So, trade-offs all