
Ant-Man, Daredevil, and All-New Hawkeye survived the cut.


Can we just go ahead and ban all non-academic fraternal orders already? Without some kind of well-defined public service requirement for earning and maintaining membership, non-academic fraternities serve NO PURPOSE AT ALL. They are social clubs at best and—as we've seen time and time again—breeding grounds for

While most of this is written from the perspective of an employee working for a corporation, I'd like to chip in and say that this applies no matter what your workplace is. I was with a private non-profit that was later absorbed into local government for ten years. I had a clean disciplinary record and had shown

Teenage boys are the opposite of polite, respectful, and open-minded; that's only one of the many, many, MANY reasons why this guy's idea won't work.

Yeah...teenage boys do this anyway.

I understand because I *am* diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I have to work with people, which exacerbates it seeing that I'm an old-school introvert, and yes—there are days that I just can't get out of bed.

I've had this discussion with my wife before. I use the example of her severe rheumatoid arthritis. There are ramps, handicapped parking, and elevators to accommodate her and others who have physical illnesses, as well there should be. Nobody looks at her funny for walking with a cane or sitting down to teach (she's a

Very good explanation of mens rea. It's one of those things I kind of knew was a thing, but never really understood.

Okay, I see what you mean.


Everybody overspends on their wedding. My wife and I swore that we were going to get out of our wedding alive at less than $1,500 and we ended up spending $4,000 ("we" being inclusive of us and our families). Yes, that is an inexpensive wedding, and no, I'm not trying to brag; we were very lucky and had many family

My wife and I are both librarians. We used construction paper to make the Hershey's minis look like little books. Edible, and relevant! We felt like geniuses. :-)

I don't even know you and I want to come to your wedding reception.

Unnatural hair colors are awesome. They seem to be coming back in style, especially among females.

If the law states that having sex with a person under 15 is classified is child rape, then why does it matter how old he *thought* she was? Seems pretty cut and dry to me: you had sex with a 13-year-old girl, therefore you have committed child rape.

My ancestors crossed the Steppes from Russia and traveled across Europe to Spain, where they turned north and—by way of Ireland—found their way to settle among the Vikings. In 1066 AD, a knight by the name of Ro-Bynes aided William the Conqueror in the taking of Great Britain, and was given a parcel of land among the

I essentially have the same story as you (as far as religion and belief go, not playings Cults and Daggers, which sounds awesome by the way). I grew up in a very religious home—church every Sunday, youth group, Sunday School, revival, etc.—that began in the Salvation Army and transitioned to Pentecostal-Holiness

I think what she's getting at is to have female characters NOT move and pose in over exaggerated ways that draw attention to their bodies and just have them move and pose normally. Case in point: swaying hips. How many female video game characters constantly move their hips in a seductive figure eight as they walk

This gave me nightmares. Let me show it to you.