
Actually the burden of proof is on the state.

I didn't think about it being a bet. That would actually make it kind of awesome. And it was obviously a taunt. I don't hate on the guy for doing it; he's the one that gets paid real money to beat up people and/or get beat up by them—not to mention the hours upon hours of training and discipline. If he wants to

I'm sorry, this still looks silly.

I'm 32 years old and not terribly happy with my job. I want something more creative and laid-back. I love video games and have looked at numerous game design degree programs as a way to learn the requisite skills and make a start. Then, I read stories like these. I think I'll revisit the idea of making it as a

Counterpoint: Oreos.


The public at large, news media, slut shamers, sex shamers, the religious right, misogynists, chauvinists, anyone that is highly judgmental, sports fans, parents and friends of students accused of rape...take your pick, it's an all-you-can-eat buffet.

I based my statemeet off of every interview with the victims I saw and the discussions I was audience to. Eventually the support for Cosby chilled, but at first, yeah, it seemed as if most (not all) people were in his corner.

I'm curious why it ONLY applies to undergraduate students.

I was speaking more as to how our culture views the accused and the accuser in rape cases. Just look at those accusing Bill Cosby. The popular reaction was to immediately question the motives of these women and the validity of their claims. The idea that even just one of them may be telling the truth was a minority

Their previous Avengers series (the one where they all connected together) was part of the ArtFX+ line, so here's hoping.

I will never understand why people have a tendency to immediately doubt rape accusations, yet an accused rapist need only to claim their innocence and it's taken at face value.

Kotobukiya's stuff is actually usually pretty affordable. They are usually around $30-60 each. Considering most statues of comparable scale and detail run at least $120, that's not bad.

Should Nintendo port their classic games to smartphones? No.

What really got me wasnnot necessarily the fact that Fish took the idea and ran with it, but that McGrath spent a year working on his own project only to have Fish beat him to the punch.

I've read some very unflattering things about him, and the story above doesn't help his image.

The ironic thing is that I find the true of story McGrath and Fish far more interesting than the conspiracy theory. It's a story I can relate to, and makes me feel more sympathy for McGrath than the simple "you stole my game" GamerGate narrative.

My wife and I got a Wii U a couple of weeks ago, so we'll be playing that quite a bit. I actually got her to play Super Smash Bros. and she picked up Captain Toad Treasure Tracker last night. I might pick up Hyrule Warriors if our once-a-month paycheck holds out.

When I was in college, my dream was to most somewhere both colder and more open-minded. Neither of those worked out. In fact, now that I'm married, there's really no way it ever will work out. Giving the way our families work, moving away just isn't an option. My wife is worth it, but I can still dream of one day

I was born and raised in North Carolina and still live in my hometown.