
The stuffed animal thing amuses me, although it kind of screams "garage queen" if the animal in question is in any shape but filthy. The antlers, though...I don't get it. It's hell of popular up here around Christmas. Also the hanging of bows from the grille, which, given the way our roads get in the winter, always

They should just bring back the Espada, dammit.

Now playing

The second gen is even more beautiful. Half-lidded pop-up headlights give it a deceptively sleepy look, and it has this strange and lovely power hump/intake on the hood which is basically just a rectangular bit of sheet metal lifted three quarters of an inch above the fender line. And their sound is shattering.

Good lord, the lime green just highlights the schmaltziness of that interior.

It's a bit steep, but it's also unique, allegedly complete, and tremendously pretty. I can picture it with a 3.6L Jag engine and BRG and it's a pretty picture indeed.

I showed my girlfriend, who does not know things about cars, carinteriors.tumblr.com. The Lagonda was the only one she twigged to by name, aside from the Alfa Spider (and only that because I never shut up about how beautiful Alfas are).

If I recall correctly, the gullwings on the DMC-12 extend slightly further away from the body of the car at the peak of their arc than when they're closed. Presumably this design obeys the same general principle. Not that it matters, since it'll never make it to market.

I see what you did there seeing what he did there.

I was kind of put out by their absence too, but the Neu Klasse is the direct ancestor, philosophically and aesthetically, and all proceeds from it. Seems a fair compromise.

NP, no question. Hoon it until something important breaks then lift the drivetrain and scrap the body. Good times all around.

The '91 Aristo I currently own makes a fine, relatively cheap project; do the basic 2JZ power upgrade and then work on making that shit as VIP as possible. Yeah, I'm cool.

The Milano is my favourite. It's weird-looking, sure, but I love its strange lines. I promise I'm not joking.

I live by the mantra that there are no ugly Alfas. NP.

I've read the whole goddamned thing twice, and managed to enjoy it both times. It is, admittedly, dauntingly huge, but that's part of its brilliance; the length lets it fully engage with all the bizarre little details and tangents Stephenson always chases anyway. His depiction of Hooke is actually the only place I've

Reminds me of the DSes that made brief cameos in Battlestar Galactica. Seems the French have a knack for believably futuristic.

I could ask for an actual Giulietta.

It's beautiful, in its way, but it's like a Faberge egg music box. I wouldn't want to handle it for fear of damaging something. And I can buy a used GT-R for that kind of money and actually do some driving.

As much as I look forward to test-driving one of these, I'm still not sold on the styling. I like the little 86/boxer badge on the front fender though.

Just making an observation, given the source material and the general fantasy/SF tendency for armourkinis. I certainly have no problem.

Interesting that John Carter is wearing fewer clothes than Dejah Thoris.