News flash. Some women want to retain the career they’ve built AND have a child. And for couples living in an urban area, it’s literally impossible to have a kid and not require two incomes. This is a fundamental human right - to have a child.
News flash. Some women want to retain the career they’ve built AND have a child. And for couples living in an urban area, it’s literally impossible to have a kid and not require two incomes. This is a fundamental human right - to have a child.
Or you could just tell your mother and father to go fuck themselves when they have a cancer scare - you have work and didn't plan for this.
And cue the women who will inevitably whine they shouldn’t be ‘made to work harder’ just because someone chose to have a baby. That they did not “sign up” to do two jobs, that it’s unfair for women to have time off and their positions held while on maternity leave. Blah blah blah....I think every working mother and…
“Many of the women affected had to change their lives considerably.”
“Oh shit! Hillary Clinton was blackmailed by Ram Emmanuel who threatened to release a 1985 sex tape of her and Bill - or possibly some other DNC member, hard to see through the grainy footage - and it’s TRUE because the cops held him overnight and...” Yawn, uh huh...babe can I have that cheese omelette and a beer now?
James Harden...I can’t get over the beard. Food, sweat, soap, cat hair, threads from a jacket, a clock and a’s all in there, while he’s down there, no matter how hot the rest of him may be....Just sayin’...
Can we get away entirely from stereotyping one group or another based on the outliers? It’s as idiotic to assume that one woman’s false testimony correlates to those of all campus rape victims, as it is to assume that rapists who belong to fraternities reflect the actions and behaviors of all men (or women) in campus…
Well, as most “celebrities” are also investors in these companies, I kind of get DeNiro’s point. The whole ‘I’m a nerd so I can insult others like a toddler and pass it off as social awkwardness’ is getting really fucking old, especially for women. If it weren’t for Sandberg (AKA ‘Mom’), Zuckerberg would be a Kaplan…
It’s only the tag-a-longs - first a peanut allergy, next gay.
I’ve always thought Huckabee’s in the closet, and this confirms it. Anytime witches, magic and men’s fashion are heatedly debated, it’s usually - but not always - coming from a man who thinks a LOT about other men.
God rebounds suck.
...I don’t know if it’s his facial moisturizer, hair products, hard tattoo’d body, manicure, Botox, plucked eyebrows or the subtle lip sheen, but Justin Theroux just strikes me as a real “man’s man.”
Given England’s history... a Nazi costume is bad enough on its own, but these fuckers dropped bombs directly on his grandparent’s house. I love the Ginger Prince, and it’s old news, but it still strikes me as so odd....
Prince Andrew is more recent - the underaged prostitute who was in the photo with him claimed some seriously kinky shit.
I love it when ‘alleged’ murderers use ‘self defense’ as a reason to stab a woman 24 will just infuriate any jury beyond rational deliberation, and the judge will go with the max sentence.
Why, with all of her means, does Jennifer Garner always have bad hair? At first I thought it was a public way of saying ‘Showers only matter to shitty mothers who choose shampoo over a teaching moment .’
They opened Hobby Lobby by my house a few years ago, and my son and I went in to buy (chuckle) Hanukkah decorations. My son whispers, “Jesus mom. No really, Jesus - like everywhere...and Santa Claus, but with Jesus on his lap, but in a creepy way. In fact, we’re totally surrounded!” I politely asked the clerk about…
From the kids I know or read about, yes college is now commonly recognized as just one type of future, along with the one where they build and code a new kind of computer (in a garage) that pulls ideas directly from their brain into a 3D printer, resulting in a NextGen ‘square wheel’ that will totally ‘disrupt’…
I went to the Hilarity for Charity gala last weekend (benefiting Alzheimer’s, so good for Seth Rogen).
I am sorry to disagree with you all the time, I know you’re around my age and a good writer...but here I go.