Your screen name is accurate.
Your screen name is accurate.
This is way too reasonable a comment for this crowd.
This is not an argument and it is not fascism. Binary gender identification serves important social and legal objectives. Civil rights, employment, education, criminal justice, etc. are shaped and influenced by gender identification. They would be impossible to administer if one’s gender changes based on the…
“We give each other compliments. He’ll say, “You look beautiful,” or “That looks great.” Or I’ll say, “I don’t know about this outfit,” and he’ll say, “No let’s change that.” And I’ll absolutely say to him, “You know what? No T-shirts.” [Laughs]
Wow. Thanks for this. That would be a compelling story/investigation.
Much like The Rolling Stone piece, I continue to be frustrated by how a widespread problem can only be talked about on a case-by-case basis by the obtuse. People get so into picking apart the individual instances that they can’t see the forest for the trees. It’s exactly what’s happening with the undue use of police…
Here’s how Soda explained her project,...
They showed him a picture of all the Kardashians, told him Khloe is the one that belongs to him, and now he conveniently can’t remember anything?
What? How is a retracted and factually incorrect story about an alleged rape GOOD for raising awareness about rape culture?
If anything, it’s extremely harmful, because it creates doubt about an accusation, which is arguably the biggest reason “rape culture” exists in the first place. Your logic here is very flawed.
Hey, what else is a sceptre for?
Please tell me she drunkenly sang Jolene at this glorious event. If not, we need to expedite time travel to ensure she does.
[squints, silently mouths “maybe a Jewish store”, is still dumbfounded]
It’s leading to a generation of guys who are overly aggressive, handsy, demand or act entitled to sex, and may even contribute to the sharp increase in rape on college campuses.
I have a daughter, and if she’s going to see sex on the Internet some day, I am least heartened that she might stumble upon at least some depiction of genuine female pleasure
Are you serious? Now any time anyone offers a different opinion we’re going to call it trolling now?
Pulling you out of the greys so your comment can get some replies because it’s an interesting point, so please don’t hate me for pointing this out: Deprecating. Depreciating is what cars do when you drive them off the lot.
i know this is kinda unpopular, but i am not super into female comedians who spend most of their material being self-depreciating. i also know that the reason that amy schumer (and i’m also thinking of tina fey circa 30 rock) reach so many people is because self-depreciation makes them less threatening to people…