Wonder Womaaahn

Uh, it takes me 5 minutes to respond, so not all day...but sure, I get the question and will respond with sincerity. It’s personal because I feel deeply that freedom of speech and expression is THE cornerstone of original thought and change, and the biggest single power in fighting discrimination, oppression or

Yes, the ‘offense’ was perceived as so egregious - unforgivable by people like you - that the band/artists were punished in a way that prevents them from further distributing or performing their music through the label. Not that they can’t find another, but it was disproportionate and an equally immature and high

I agree completely - was a little boozy when I submitted a snarl response to the above ‘outraged’ person. But I am way more ‘offended’ by the bully shaming and judgement offered (with no sense of irony) by people who perceive themselves as hero defenders in a fight to save the rights and lives of LGBTQ - or other

So what are people supposed to do - burn in your personal hell for an offense of wording? Stop listening or buying their music! For fuck sake, your magnification of an insult into a world-destroying political message is an equally major insult to me, a person who vehemently defends and believes in Free Speech as a

I can’t take anything by Graveface’’ too seriously in terms of an apology, nor from a band that chose to name itself ‘Whirr.’ Guys, this is cheese-camp shit - let’s not get too ‘seriously offended’ by anything these assholes have to say until their music improves. It’s like complaining the high school band down the

Definitely into this concept - it’s so obviously missing from this generation, and I get looks of horror when I mention the idea to my friend’s 19 year old daughter..though the term ‘whacking’ I associate with middle school boys who are on the verge of a ‘whack job’-related ER injury.

Ok, please STOP with the phrase “getting off” because it’s just gross. And from experience, men frankly aren’t as casual or disinterested as they want people (and especially women) to think. If it’s casual sex women want, good casual sex, what do women have to lose by slowing down and communicating what they want or

Lawyer as well, but mostly a researcher/writer. I write pages a day and cannot wait for every Wed....this is why I started reading Gawker/Jezebel in the first place. Is that bad? Sorry to all the other great writers and topics....but this one makes me laug, and that means a lot in our crazy world.

My mother has Lupus and it sucks....you really are too exhausted to do anything fun, and your entire body hurts or is near constantly. But on the upside, doctors seem to have no clue how to manage - let alone cure - it so basically you can let go of any funeral arrangements...my mother was told she had 6 months to

I have anxiety disorder and would never expect the legal system or a judge to sensitively ‘deal’ while I get my shit together. Coping with mental health is not an excuse - it cannot be an excuse - for entitled expectations. I do not have a right by way of a mental issue to expect unreasonable actions and/or words from

Sorry, but I agree with the judge - take two Xanax and get your ass to court.

Sorry, but not comfortable at all anymore with Caitlyn being the poster girl for transition. Girl being the key here, because heels, skinny jeans and a great surgeon doth not a woman make.

Hmmm - good pic. Why do I find him so hot?

It’s generational. I worked at a place with a preponderance of very, very competent and well educated black women. Many of them had names with punctuation (tough to email without auto) and names that made you remember who the hell they were, and just why you do not fuck with them about deadlines. That said, the young

I have a friend with this exact type of divorce situation and the core of it - the CORE - of a decade of their insane hellish lawsuits and fighting (torture and permanent scars to their kids) is that they still love and won’t let go of each other. The whole thing is a giant meta of their issues as a married couple,

I agree completely with your comment and perspective. It wasn’t clear if the photos were posted with consent (probably not) but when news outlets picked them up, it qualifies them as a new type of image or video outside of private control - precisely because of the impact it has on the story and as ‘news.’ Though not

My apology then, I misread your statement and was unfair to you.

...God forbid! Are you saying a man would be the victim here? And that a woman could choose to participate and enjoy degrading public sex? How is that possible?! It is not, dear sir. Women are not capable of such choices - we are not as strong, smart or independent as men, we are in fact the weaker gender and overall

Oh please grow up - if you have an emotional trigger over rape stories then don’t read them. Gawker isn’t your nanny, you can click away.

Sorry, but I watched the video and the girl appears to be voluntarily naked, smiling, rocking back and forth to the music and she even grabbed his hand towards her V. Sorry kids, but this does not qualify as non-consensual, just sick frat shit that is wrong on every level. The crime was hazing and possibly