Lettuce Prime

I will take 15 minutes agonizing over a choice that has no actual impact on gameplay just because it might result in different dialogue. Was Commander Shepard a spacer, colonist, or earthborn? Sole survivor, war hero, or ruthless? Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Wrong. The best character creation occurs throughout the entire game.

The problem is that geese these days don’t have good role models like they used to. That makes them susceptible to copying the bad behavior they see in the media. I only wish someone from the goose community would step up and tell these impressionable young geese that this is not okay.

“Not art.” - Roger Ebert

Xbox as a platform is heading into this generation in a MUCH different position than it did last time around though. Microsoft has to work much, much harder to convince people to buy an Xbox over PlayStation. That’s hard to do if you have a shitty launch, let alone the fact that an extremely large portion of this

Thank god. I din’t realize he was also the creative lead on this game, and unfortunately it’s so late in development now the damage, if any, is probably already done. I can only pray now that he learned from Halo 5 and Infinite had been on the right track.

I thought that started with Halo 5, or I mean 4, or I mean Reach, I think they’ve complained about everything since the OG Xbox....

Yup, sales definitely don’t matter in business.

Hey, it’s OK, now, Microsoft bought plenty of good studios, they’re going to have a ton of great exclusives now!...

Possibly not a big loss.  It would be different if say Longo played a major role in CE through Reach.  Halo 5... really didn’t do it for a lot of people.

With all of the studio acquisitions and hires, you’d think Microsoft would’ve diverted some of that talent, or specifically hired people for Halo, to ensure their biggest IP wasn’t STILL spearheaded by a team that has mishandled it so horribly.

Oh God what if Schreier has moved on from delaying games to ruining them so he can write those exposes. Damn you Jason Schreier, when will you stop?! 


Longo, an industry veteran who also served as creative director for Halo 5

Gonna go out on a limb and say there are some SERIOUS problems with this game behind the scenes. Are they relying on Bioware 343 Magic? I feel bad for the developers and their families that will have to inevitably deal with all this crap behind the scenes as its them who it’ll fall on.

Minor pushback - the paper guys making fun of their young intern is one thing for establishing the fact that everyone is playing to 80s stereotypes. Mike not apologizing is a tenth grader not knowing how to be a good boyfriend. But the absolutely terrible lines between Hopper and Joyce (and between Jonathan and Nancy),

Yeah, “Girls are like, another species, man!” is exactly the kind of WAY profound thing a middle school boy would say.

Mental Health issues and how much of an impact they have in people lives seems to be a major blind spot for way too many Kinja writers

“We have to talk about Bruce. What is the point of Bruce? What, one might ask, use is Bruce? He has no personality beyond “loud, crude, and insulting,” and now that he’s in the command of the Mind Flayer, he need never have a personality again. So why does he exist? Why bother to have Jake Busey play this braying,

“Hey! Capitalist American pig-dogs! Look over thereski!”