Lettuce Prime

No one here really gives a shit what you think. We’re astonished at how strongly you believe it based on absolutely fuck nothing.

Wat. Where was that established?

And not even the good Battlefront 2.

Hot take: Sprint shouldn’t be in any Halo at all and has been quietly wrecking the entire FPS genre for the last decade. Even if that seems a little hyperbolic, Reach is deffo a worse game for its inclusion 100% and bears the dishonor of introducing this shit into a series with notoriously precise killtimes and a chess

How many games that actually end up okay have a hiring situation like this?

Essentially every Halo since 2010.

“The only people that do like the single “soul” difficulty is just because they like to brag about it.”

Two different people with the same generic icon.

*Laughs in Platinum Trophy*

What sort of games do you usually play? I find I played games the way I played Dark Souls *years* before I got stuck in Undead Burg for six whole months in 2014. This subgenre is so flexible - so defined by the player’s attitudes and actions - that some of the things you find that you enjoy about video games *might*

I really can’t wait until these stories are pretty much everywhere, and a generation of kids grows up inspired by crazy art *and* their parent’s enthusiasm. *Great* choice of games by the way lol.

Am I insane or is the HUD basically illegible in the second mission? I get the cloud mechanic, but the backlit sun essentially drowns out the entire screen. It’s kind of cool if it’s intentional - needed to rely on the audio cues. Getting legitimate vertigo in a dense cloud because you’ve forgotten which way is down.

This. Alarms bells exploded when I read that. Like, 2005 is when the *last good one* came out lol.

It’s just fictional history. The only constant are countries and maybe some events in the past. Maybe you might get more context if you play the PS2 games, but everything you need is surely going to be explained in this one. The “7" is a misnomer. Only, like, three of the previous installments even matter, and one of

The energy on this stream is fantastic. Loving the CE 2v2 matches. Such an underrated competitive game.

>But Activision is an easy scapegoat. Most if not all of Destiny’s mistakes came from Bungie, not the publisher,


What the fuck? That’s what you’re coming at me with?

No fucking intelligence quotient test has found any division along the basis of race despite a hundred and fifty fucking years of psychologists looking for that exact shit. Get your head out of the fucking 1940's.

It’s past its heyday prematurely without question. It could easily survive, even thrive, as a quaint little niche thing harkening back to the days when FPS games played “like this.”