Lettuce Prime

Or ‘Kung Fury’ or ‘’Allo ‘Allo’ or thousands of ‘Downfall’ memes or ‘Der Fuerhers Face’ or played Wolfenstein 3D.

The Hitler (or the Nazis generally) as a buffoon angle is a pretty firmly embedded one. But I don’t think that people’s concerns about JoJo Rabbit are really about Hitler or the Holocaust. They’re about now

“Waititi, on the other hand, wants to portray Adolf Hitler as a goofy imaginary friend . . .”

I would also add that the article points out the incongruity of Jojo dancing, but he does so specifically because his mother says that’s what she would do because dancing is for people who are free.

Hitler isn’t actually in the movie

Personally I think it’s a bit of a superiority complex, exhibiting itself as “well we’d never be so stupid”, as though the Germans are a special case in regards to militarism and authoritarianism. It allows people who don’t want to actually examine the past an easy get out, bit like blaming various Presidents’ worst

I do think too many people make Jojo Rabbit the “wacky Hitler” movie forgetting that Hitler isn’t actually in the movie, and we’re spending far more time dealing with how people - especially children - can be indoctrinated into popular ways of thinking. I don’t think that it reinvented the wheel or even that it set

And yet another hot take of why JoJo is meh because “it’s not that good a Holocaust film” when it’s not trying to be a Holocaust film.

Well, Taika did recently say that if nobody criticized any of his films, then he knew that he must have something wrong.... that’s probably the only praise I can give this piece.

Hi, I live in Tel Aviv and this movie played here and wasn’t contriversial. I didn’t see it yet, but planning to. Taika Waititi sometimes goes by his mother’s maiden name Cohen which is the most jewish name you can have.

You got me there; you’re definitely the one to police his Jewishness. My bad.

Your point of view based on ignorance.  Sure.

“i see your point about how i’m being wrong and ridiculous right now but i’m gonna keep it that way, kthx"

Be sure to let the Jewish director and actor portraying Hitler know how offended you are on his behalf.

This take is too hot. There is absolutely no way that you actually paid attention to the film. Right out the gates with “It is a movie that asks its audience to sympathize with a poor little Nazi boy who really wants to participate in the Holocaust” you show that you might not have even watched the movie. 

Oh boy. The movie isn’t a satire of the holocaust, nor does it make like of the events. It’s a poignant reflection of a boy who wants so much to belong to something because all the other kids are doing it(Hitler Youth), but eventually realizes that what he had pined for is something abhorrent and not for him. It

My grandmother survived the Holocaust by being smuggled around German attics. Jojo Rabbit was my favorite movie of 2019. This is an appalling take on a movie that tells today’s kids what being a Nazi looks like and how to stop being a Nazi, by putting it in a frame they will actually pay attention to.

This. If somebody went back to early 2002 and leaked the plot outlines for Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, people would have gushed about how awesome the movies sounded.

Yeah, they dropped the ball when they brought JJ back. If they didn’t want Trevorrow, they should have chosen a new director.

I’ve thought it pretty shitty that after Han got offed in TFA, no one has mentioned that fact that the Falcon is pretty much Chewie’s. He was Han’s best friend, co-pilot, and essentially partner. Everybody just keeps taking it wherever the fuck they want without asking.

This sounds bad and overstuffed and weird and pointless. And the phrase “Bossk cameo” really belies how fake this thing is.