Lettuce Prime

The only way it’s ever made sense to me is to tell an original story as an adjacent property - a sort of shared universe thing. No Hollywood exec NOR AAA magnate has nearly that much faith in their target audience though.

The Halo community is weird. There’s a faction of people that hate 343 and love Bungie - and they are orders of magnitude easier to validate than the people who are the reverse, yes - but they aren’t entirely correct either. Bungie could be downright awful about the “quality” of their games the way that metric is

Here here. Halo’s had maybe two good traditional narratives in its lineup: 2 and ODST. Reach is monotonous and one-note. 4 is melodramatic and nonsensical. Even 2 stretches believability and ODST was already a Firelfly reunion so lol.

It does if your expectations were borked to begin with. This was conceived, developed, and marketed as a rerelease of Dark Souls 1 in the same vein as all those other games I mentioned above. It is entirely normal and hurts nobody. It is not worth being angry about. It’s barely worth being disappointed in.

I am well aware of the community reaction. My point is that the community is, as is to be expected of all reactionary movements in the world after 2014, being absolutely ridiculous.

You only spent $20 for it if you’re comparing it to PTDE lel. Is that still unreasonable?

What do we call people born around the cusp of 9/11 or Columbine? Zillennials?

What post-release patches didn’t it carry? DS:R is the definitive way to play DS1. Even on PC.

DS1 was never optimized to begin with. It’s hard to port a game that barely ran on any native system (DSFix notwithstanding) and make it look spectacular.

Well, apparently there _are_ hamsters that are 3 feet tall - see Hammond, who is 3 foot tall. According to the _groundbreaking_ revelations unveiled in these conversations, we have discovered something truly enlightening about the nature of ‘size;’ Hammond the hamster is, I suppose, hamster sized - as he is, in fact,

It will work *great.* 3 foot is *not* average human height. We have words for the conditions that affect those people.

If Halo CE’s PvP ever got a legitimate sequel I guarantee you it would occupy that same bizarre niche that Dark Souls PvP does. They’re both thoughtful, deliberately paced, full of arcane mechanics and crazy high skill caps. I’d liken CE to a game of high speed first person chess. If it ever *actually* got a remaster

No ex-Bungie staff stuck around. Frank O’Connor is the only Bungie staff that worked for 343, but these are teams of hundreds and O’Connor wasn’t even a dev - he was a community manager.

Lol you’re right. CoD players aren’t playing Halo 5. You sure showed him.

Halo CE’s multiplayer has aged beautifully when it’s in the hands of modders who know wtf they’re doing - therefore expressively *NOT* 343.

As awful as it is, there is some *accidental* mechanic/thematic parallel between the shittiness of The Chaos Flame and the shittiness of the Bed of Chaos.

Bed of Chaos is the worst. I don’t blame you. Her single saving grace is that she doesn’t reset on respawn.

I suppose you still have dreams? Tell the little doll I said hello.

The damned swindler would, wouldn’t he? Anyway, glad you enjoyed. Hope it helps. :D

But when the OST kicks in it’s fucking phenomenal, and made better because of how sparse it is. Most games with minimal OST’s are like that.