If I play a lot of DS3 I start to suck at partying in DS1 and vice versa.
If I play a lot of DS3 I start to suck at partying in DS1 and vice versa.
Quelaag is a fucking tank - even with +5 normal weapons, which roast everything else up to that point - she’s barely taking damage unless you’ve invested heavily in your damage stats. I find gouging VIT and using Red Tearstone from VotD lets me do some good damage for low souls - just watch that health bar like a…
I have. Unless you’re fighting one of the four tryhards still playing this game or running like a bitch from a gank ‘cause you’re a chicken, you won’t get backstabbed.
*EVERY* Remaster has *ALWAYS* been an enhanced port, unless the game is absurdly old which Dark Souls was most certainly not. That is and, unless I’m mistaken, *always has been* the goal of projects like this one. Make it playable on better hardware. Design decisions are essentially identical. Technical decisions…
Krav Maga agents, if I’m not mistaken?
Best part of the whole experience, for sure.
And all God’s children said?
Well we’re not. We’ve just never seen it before and we’re really curious because it doesn’t make any sense to us.
I’m kinda with everyone else here. That’s a really weird position to take.
I really do have to agree. I once calculated that the average age of a game in my Steam Library was fourteen years old. I’m not old enough to have enjoyed that game when it came out, fourteen years ago. I don’t know why the industry has this weird idea that a new generation of players is different from an old…
1.) I use just about half the keyboard for hotkeys in AoEII:HD, at least. It’s pretty common in StarCraft and other RTS’ to my knowledge as well.
I missed that and by your BULLSHIT description I think you did too.
I want to see that giant gaping hole into Bed of Chaos’ boss fight in 1080p 60fps damnit.
Giantdad Twink my fam.
Yeah right, see, here’s the thing. TFA is incomparable to the Prequels firstly. Secondly, I daresay universal hatred stirred for PM by the time AotC happened. You’re comparing apples and motherfucking oranges bro.
That’s not what any early impression has said.
Is anyone actually excited in purchasing this game? Is that really the nadir of the reception to this trailer? I that’s coming at this whole project from the wrong angle.
Think about it. He’s spent more time than anyone else in the Upside-down. He’s been mind flayed by the Mind Flayer, but did it have some effect on him? The demodogs are just animals, but maybe when the MF controls an actually rational host and gets forced out against its will, it leaves something behind?
I think it explains something about the dev’s psyche that combat stance, and a boring, placeholder open world meet the fact that you don’t actually play AC games. This entire franchise has always been a testament to unfun laziness. You hold/mash a single button and watch the engine simulate entire choreographed dances…