Lettuce Prime

Confusion also comes across in one word.

Dead Space is so generic we’ve honestly seen half a dozen the year after it released alone.

What’s wrong with Maynard?

As a CC student of several months, allow me to elucidate.

I have no idea what else you’d call them. Single, big puzzle enemies that unlock the rest of the game.

L1 is your best friend for every boss in SotC. Agro’s autopilot is exceptionally useful for most bosses as well.

The Nemesis system is still young, as mechanics go. It’s not unthinkable that it just hasn’t had a chance to inspire its imitators yet.

Dark Souls isn’t finished, it’s “Completed.” That’s the way I look at it.

Zero G parkour. :O


Eh...How many of these features would have been best served had the game launched with them? Infection. Forge. Firefight. Big Team Battle. A Social playlist of any description (sans Warzone). 2v2's. None of that was available on day one. The game shipped with so much missing content that the post game support is

Eh...how many of these features would have been best served had the game launched with them? Infection. Forge. Firefight. Big Team Battle. Social playlist of any description (sans Warzone). 2v2's. The game shipped with so much missing content that the post game support is really only acceptable because it contains the