Other players are angry that the Drifter NPC threat is interfering with actual players making war on one another.
Other players are angry that the Drifter NPC threat is interfering with actual players making war on one another.
it’s kinda 2010 fratty isnt it?
Another guess. The game is starting to stagnate in terms of political power. The rise of Player based super powers is really limiting the the number of battles being fought. Mind, there are still a ton of fights, but it is BEGINNING to slow down.
Some people have called for server reset, but that would be a drastic…
God I love reading about Eve. It’s got the best story of any MMO, ever, because everything about the game is real and impactful. What a masterpiece.... That I will never play.
There’s a bunch of jock bro types over at the Eve office, coding department...
...at times?
Think you’re right on the money there. Initial ships were scouts, what’s happening now is the actual beginning of an invasion proper.
That was my general thought, though the tricky aspect is that invasion usually indicates an external force, whereas it seems the Drifters have just been hanging around in the normal game space for a while. Then again, I could see it being that the Drifter ships previously seen were just scouts, and this attack is the…
This. I love reading about EVE and it sounds super-interesting, but it also sounds like a huge investment of time, which I simply don’t have. I eagerly await the day I retire so I can finally pick it up.
Little do EVE players know that their game actually exists as a layer in a 4X game, and CCP is finally reaping the consequences of years of ignoring researching Diplomacy upgrades.
This game is really interesting to watch from afar but I can’t even remotely seeing myself having the time or energy to keep up with everything required to understand and actively participate in. Perhaps pre-parenthood I would have gone at it with gusto.
As someone who likes and orders there chicken sandwiches, I still know that their riches from the empire that I am unfortunately supporting does in fact push cash out to support anti-LGBT groups.
It would almost certainly go down. You know what they say, there’s no such thing as bad press.
Very likely going to happen since we live in a Philip K Dick corporate dystopia now.
Reminds of that one Easter Egg / Achievement in the official Ghostbusters game that came out years ago (R.I.P. Harold Ramis). As the rookie Ghostbuster, you’re back at the hotel where Slimer was originally found, and while ghost busting, you head into an area set up for a Bar Mitzvah. There’s lots of food laid out for…
I’ve rarely felt like my deaths in Sekiro were flat out unfair. Definitely frustrating on the drunkard fight, because every time I’d die, I had to clear the entire area of enemies again, then he’d two-hit me, and I’d have to do it again. Lady Butterfly was much less frustrating to get to, but I eventually just went…
I will never understand why anyone would want something like the Souls titles or Sekiro to have an easy mode. What would be the point of that? Sure, they have lore and story to experience, but those things are vague and confusing, and absolutely take a backseat to the gameplay. The difficulty and skill required…
I myself deal with occasional chronic pain that’s only alleviated by a brace. When I put it on, I am ten percent clumsier with a controller, making Sekiro ten percent harder. Can I rise to meet that extra ten percent? Maybe. Should I be expected to? That’s a different question.
As someone who loves music enough to endure countless hours of practice to get something right, I have enough patience to endure some of the punishing stuff this game throws at me. I’ve whined, complained, texted my girlfriend and friends, explained to my brother how hard this game is when he asked if I’m enjoying…
She was pulling it off. Fallon can’t act to save his life.