Lettuce Prime

Funny enough, I randomly clicked ahead in the video to where we see him purposely take fall damage just to make it interesting. Of course, he then did it later because he has an item that boosts attack at low heath.

“I know I’ve beaten this drum a couple of times before on previous hard runs in the past”

The real David Bowie wouldn’t be this much of a dick, just sayin.

Shrapevil and Hadjimurad are correct, the video is meant to be more of a let’s play and not so much of a qualitative analysis. We answer some very basic questions in the video. I am trying to keep our dialogue brief and limited to play commentary because the embargo for reviews and impressions is different than the

Yep this it for people like me who see one or two games every few years I want to play. I want to play Kingdom Hearts 3. I don’t want to pay $245 to play it. Even more expensive had it hit early in this cycle of consoles.

I’d argue that the cost of upgrading within your ISP might replace the cost of the actual console. In my area Comcast charges an extra $50/mo to have unlimited internet (they might not now, I dropped them because of it) and this surely will require an unlimited plan. So $50 * 12 = $600, more than the cost of the

I did try out Project Stream. Played AC:O on it for around 20 hours. I have a 250 Mbps connection at my home and was hard wired. Still not nearly the experience of what I got once Ubisoft gave everyone who participated a copy of AC:O. Of all the issues I had, the graininess/fuzziness of the image was the largest

Which is funny because widespread Google fiber connections would be helpful in this new endeavor.

Well, the difference here is that with the XBO you had to buy a $500 box and have it sit in your home and do all that stuff when it shouldn’t need to.  This seems to be a very low entry point, no hardware, optional accessories and it’s streaming so going into it it’s always going to be connected to the internet.

Yes, the implication is that it’s hardware independent*.

It’s Google. So that Google Pay Send...Wallet...whatever it’s called.

As with all Streaming platforms, how do they work when you have piss poor internet? Poorly or not at all. There is no other alternative than, Poorly or not at all.

Yup.  Given the lifespan and commitment of and to Google Fiber, I’m not holding my breath for this to be any different.

I give it two years of being basically underused and forgotten before they shut it down unceremoniously, as is the Google way.

I couldn’t decide if he was cute or not until he mentioned being over 6 feet tall and I was like, “Oh, def hot then.”

“In my defense, they were scrumptious.” ~ John Mulaney, Kid Delicious (2024)

It’s probably the part of the interview (and the interview is very good - it’s somehow fitting it came out on the same day as the very good, and depressing, Bill Hader piece in the New Yorker) that got the least attention but I was glad he was asked a few questions about hosting SNL again and the sketches he was or

My wife is playing through this now. People really shouldn’t sleep on this, it’s one of those completely thrilling games that I could recommend to a large swath of non-gamers.

Do you think Jonathan Blow is a fan of this game? It seems like it riffs on some of the same themes as The Witness, in a more minimalist but also more intriguing way.

I knew it
I had a premonition this morning as I poured myself a bowl of Life cereal and fired up my computer to check my daily sites: I will come across something in the course of my reading that will totally gross me out. I made it through snopes and all the local papers just fine, then came to the AV Club and