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    Wow, they can even do multiple cars at once!

    No, but I think you have found out why it’s so relatively cheap.

    But in that version Goliath won...

    Pretty sure if we kept cars with engineering flaws, people would just stand up and walk away, after being hit by a car, within a few generations.

    That’S the real beauty of fuel cell vehicles, they only make sense, if you don’t really think about it.

    The self driving ones have Waymo technology. But the Hybrid is their own creation.

    I love the look on people’s faces when I say the Vette is mid-engine. And then the face they make while I’m trying to explain it is priceless.

    I think that’s not a bad idea. If we take look at where we all came from, culturally, we made some significant steps forward.

    Nuclear doesn’t start up well, but it can be better regulated than coal and has lower time constants. Usually you would use gas though.

    Usually it isn’t used for peak loads, but the time constants are slow enough that it could work. Coal plants on the other hand have terrible time constants, so they can’t do anything other than base load.

    Coal is actually the worst option to build right now, not just because of emissions, but because they are way too slow.

    Every Alfa is an early run.

    Nah, I just think this is the logical consequence of CUVs becoming more popular.

    That trend will go by soon enough and make way for something new. Just like the CUV has replaced the SUV as the new hot thing, in a few years something else will replace the CUV.

    It’s ok that you try to talk yourself out of the mess you got yourself in. And you have some valid points here. But it actually isn’t the topic we are talking about here.

    The UN predicts a continuing upward trend, with population reaching around 11.2 billion in 2100. But this seems unlikely. After hitting the demographic doldrums, no country yet has seen its fertility recover. Many demographers expect a global crash to be under way by 2076.

    Read the original materials.

    To understand the so-called “commenter”, you must know that he stops reading after the first sentence. An...

    We need more kids, not less. So he better pay high wages, or he will loose his income on the avocado farms...

    I think what he’s saying is that at some point the demand for a car peaks at some point, thats not unusual. It is rather unusual that it took the Model S 6 years to peak. Usually cars get replaced every 7 years, with the highest demand in their first year.