
-_- I literally wrote a comment saying that there are different viewpoints in feminism and we should be respectful and you responded in the exact opposite way without any critical thought or argumentative skills. Good job.

That's fine. And your unnecessary haughtiness is on you.

I am glad that you did not dismiss hooks and her viewpoint (like the Gawker article did).

Huh? First of all I'm pretty sure Hillary Crosley is a woman. Second, I didn't have a damn clue what "bell *fucking* hooks" meant, so I was glad to have some perspective.


I don't see it as trying to limit agency, but trying to contextualize the space their agency is operating in. (Kind of like being against the war but not hating the troops- you still have to put what the troops do into context, and that makes many troops feel like you hate them, even if you just don't like what they


She is a business

Seriously. "I'm overweight and it has nothing to do with my lifestyle." = You go girl!

This is Jezebel. You aren't allowed to like someone who focuses on being physically fit and attractive.

Why is that so bad? It's obvious she takes care of herself and knows how to get in shape.

its an outfit i would probably wear 24/7 if i had that hiny.

Every able bodied and able minded person on earth could have a hot body if they work out 60 minutes a day and eat healthy. It's not that difficult, and genetics are pretty easy to overcome if you're limiting calories and moving like a workhorse to sweat the pounds off and pack on muscle at the same time.

I *honestly* don't understand the barely concealed vitriol towards this woman in this post. She's making money at something she seemingly enjoys and more power to her. There is nothing creepy about a woman helping her mother get into shape if that's what her mother wants. Maybe her mother wants a more shapely ass

What did she do, punch your kitten?

So there's absolutely no onus on the objectifiers. The boys aren't old enough or smart enough to choose not to be blatantly sexist.

The fact that so many of those girls allow themselves to be objectified is exactly why the Jezebel types have a point about gender politics and institutionalized sexism. We can swear up and down that "but the girls can say no"...until we remember they've got another year of high school to be driven to distraction by

Maybe you shouldn't assume that much about people, I'm sure she is like most over privileged white woman out there, who has the mean and the luxury to not be affected by things like wage gap and real problem.

Woman says something anti-feminist; Jezebel acts all snippy towards her for a year or so; world is saved.

Or we could take the good and the bad in non-heinous people, celebrate the former, and hope time and good examples will reduce the latter, and not freak out every time someone falls short of perfection. Kinder to the person, kinder to ourselves.