
Someone needs to explain to me why THIS form of body policing is okay and you get to compare the woman's complexion to a dirty sock? We can't criticize a woman's weight or her choice to have plastic surgery. We cannot call many women's choice to have other women's hair wefted into their own at great expense or to wear

Her breasts were removed because of medical reasons - that makes her a saint how? She adopts 3rd world children, and?? So do lots of people - I'm not sure why that should make me think any differently of her.

Angelina Jolie is actually a patronizing neo-colonialist conservative who succeeds in making all her fangirls look stupid.

On one hand I admire prioritizing the issue of sexual assault in conflict zones. Its a major historical problem that has affected millions over the years.

It's an admirable goal, but I always wonder what the actionable goals of these international summits and panels will be.

This is almost more useless than sjw hashtagging. Just another fancy dinner among some overly wealthy folks along with free PR.

I wish something would actually come out of these summits, but usually it's just a bunch of famous people giving speeches and then it's back to business as usual. Poverty Summits, Climate Change Summits, Refugee Day, that thing they do in Davos every year. And the only thing that seems to come out of these things is

The power of the non-binding resolution compels you!

LOL. Clinton was against attacking her opponent?? Really? She sure had no hesitation attacking Obama when she was trying to secure the nomination. In fact, "60 Minutes" did an investigation and found tons of instances where their team went after him but could find nothing where Obama's team attacked her. That was when

Totally. This. Are we the same person? What game is Hillary playing now? And I'll never vote for her because I still can't forgive her for voting for the Iraq war while she was a NY state senator.

Bow down, bitches.

Gotta be honest, not many people I know who work in campaigns are all that excited for Hillary— and it'd not sexism, these same people would sign up in a heartbeat for Warren. Clinton just seems like a step backwards politically at a time when we could get a less moderate Dem.

Oh comon, Hllary is being completely disengenuous. Why would she assume from the onset that the Obama campaign wanted to attack Palin because of her sex? They wanted to attack her because she was the VP nominee. And I think we all know that it didnt take very long at all for everyone to realize Palin was a terrible

If this is the time I'm thinking of, the McCain campaign was making that stupid and cynical attempt to peel off Clinton supporters who were mad about losing to Obama. I'm on my phone so I can't post the commercials, but trust me they are infuriating. If this is what they are talking about, yeah, she should have

The Clintons didn't come out rosy in that campaign either, their inability to treat Black voters intelligently led to Clinton losing a lot of African American support.

I always try to take into account that the candidates really are just along for the ride when it comes to campaign strategies. I noticed that Clinton said "the Obama campaign contacted [her]" not Obama himself.

so Hillary's racism in the same campaign was okay?

Umm, "Olympic lifting" refers to a specific kind of weight lifting, not the actual Olympics. I am not a freak of nature; I woke up one morning and decided I wanted to change, so I did. It had nothing to do with genetics and calling it "unobtainable" is just plain false.

It's really disheartening to read all these comments from people saying things like "her body type is still totally unobtainable to 95% of women!" and "even 'normal' people don't look like that!". Why do people act like serious fitness is some kind of freakish abnormality? I am a size 0, an Olympic weight lifter, and