The way Jez and some commenters talk about men and their hair is quite similar to how men talk about women and their weight.
The way Jez and some commenters talk about men and their hair is quite similar to how men talk about women and their weight.
Dang, you are duuumb.
It's almost like you're making huge leaps and ridiculous assumptions based on extremely limited information about a situation that you are 100% removed from. Wait, not almost. That is what you are doing. Well done.
You have got to be kidding me. The first time Paltrow has something remotely nice/not condescending and critical said about her and her GOOPy behavior is when she is doing it with Beyonce. Gawhd Jesus, Callie. I mean, Jez, do you not mind how transparent your blind Bey allegiance is?
What's the context to this picture?
Got any sources on this? Saying he isn't Christian is not quite the same as he wasn't born in the US.
Clinton has an incredible list of reasons not to like her, unless of course you're right leaning. Why the right doesn't like her, I don't know. She's a Wall Street/Big Banks backer and insider and she is right leaning on foreign policy and the NSA.
Yes, they both can be, but Clinton nor Jezebel is highlighting her own shortcomings or regrets or mistakes. It's just a very bias, inaccurate retelling of events.
You removed the '12 year girl' giving birth story but you're not going to post a retraction/apology acknowledging the error? I'm not saying it's journalism 101, but it's something that you should know by now.
Why is Rihanna so beloved on this site but Swift is despised and ridiculed? To me, they just seem like two different flavors of shit pop ice cream. What am I missing?
You said "I'd say it's because boobs and vaginas are beautiful, wonderful things"
I don't doubt you prefer/need a larger D. My point is about generalized discussions emphasizing an ideal size.
Hah, come on. One case, a personal anecdote, is far from representative.
Not sure of your source of boobs and vaginas because they're not all beautiful.
If that is your opinion, then so be it. But that isn't the stance most take when men are stating their preference for types of anatomy (maybe larger breasts, perkiness, tighter vagina, small labia, etc).
Many/most women don't orgasm from penetration, so penis size has nothing to do with it.
Men are extremely visual when it comes to sex. Boob size makes a huge difference. As does the look of the labia. If men were saying they prefer larger breasts and smaller labia, people here would be freaking out. Also, if men were saying they had a preference for vaginal tightness (some women are much tighter or…
How come there is a 'right' penis size but not the right boob size or vagina?
I live on sandwiches. I love most sandwiches, high-end to low-end. With that said, I never had a Reuban I liked and I looooove Sauerkraut.