
Thanks for answering. I really do appreciate everything you've written, and it's a lot.

Alright, any and every HRC post on Jez is the same and receives the same comments. It's a mix of Hillary fangirls (talking about how strong and accomplished she is with no mention of political views or policies) and those saying she is to the right (on the political spectrum) of Obama.

I really don't see what Clinton and Warren have in common except for both being women. Clinton represents Wall Street and is Pro War while Warren puts the lives of ordinary people before banks and is anti-war. They have completely 100% different political views. Clinton is center-right while Warren is progressive

Pretty incredible that you think your own experience is somehow representative of everyone's. Or that your experience is some standard everyone should abide by.


You're right. I would have a very different opinion if this were a Robertson or Paula Deen. You know why? Because Jonah Hill has an extensive record of supporting LGBTQ people and causes while Phil Robertson and Paula Deen have extensive records of bigotry. Phil Robertson is opening homophobic cuz his bible tells

Wow, so you now you're victim blaming. Because I didn't handle this the way you would have or had in the past?

Teasing is something done either face to face or among friends/acquaintances. I'm not saying I'm a victim or you're a bully, but you've been a dick and I don't appreciate how you engaged with me.

In all honesty, it bums me out that people I probably agree with on most issues, would be as nasty as you've been. It bums me out more that an MD would behave like you've behaved. It's hard to have hope (I don't have much) when someone like you would act like you've been acting. It's elitist, rude and damaging to

That's cool. It's just petty and damaging.

It's not that they said she didn't do wrong, it's that they never said she did do wrong. There was never a post about why Solange attacking JayZ was wrong.

No see, that's my point. I've read them. If you're so sure of yourself, and it's there, send me the link.

I agree with what you're saying but I would say most people who believe it's wrong to utter such a statement probably can't really explain specifically why it's wrong. Certainly not on the level that you were able to do.

Did you read that post yesterday about biker gang who is going to block the WBC from Maya Angelou's funeral? They're actually just a bunch of horrible racist, war mongering 9-11 loving shitheads, but they actually have common ground with those who've adored Maya Angelou.

We definitely disagree. I can't prove they didn't say anything. I can link to article after article where they say nothing, but that doesn't actually prove my point as I'd have to prove a negative. If you think they said something, and care to support that assertion, I'm here. I'm not above having my mind changed.

We probably agree on most issues. Just because we disagree on this one specific issue, you've relegated me to the worst of the worst. If we don't agree on this then I'm the enemy? I couldn't be any farther from an MRA type. According to most people I see day to day, I'm referred to as the 'PC police'.

You know, my opinions are often shaped by what I read on Jezebel, including the comments section. I know what I read. If you can find the article(s) where Jezebel substantively discusses Solange attacking Jay and why it's wrong, I'm more than happy to change my mind. I've read way to much about the incident on Jez

Or you know, you can always make a counter argument. Some on here yell 'MRA' like racists complain at 'mexicans takin our jobs' or republicans yell 'liberal communists this or that'. It's just bs to avoid a substantive discussion.

That's news to me. I've read many of Jez articles on the attack. If they did indeed say that, it was one line buried in a bunch of bs about how it was 1. a fight oppose to an attack 2. how good Solange looked or 3. what sparked the 'fight'.

Racial slurs and homophobic slurs are both definitely wrong with out a doubt... but in cases like this, their 'accidental' use is not the same. Society on the mass level is really just getting 'it' about gay rights issues. Really, just in the last 6 years or so. So I think most people unfortunately grew up either