
How is this episode like Terry Richardson? Last time I checked Richardson had never been accused of molesting kids, just models.

Adding my voice to those that say stop with connecting his physical appearance (or "creepiness") with his alleged crimes.

The Fact that it is coming from a successful established writer who has access to skilled attorneys should be enough to suggest that there may be something there. Its not like shes some hack in basement claiming that hes owed movie becuase he wrote some short story that happened in space or something. A lot of people

The complaint alleges infractions based on additional material which was not in the book but provided to the studio as part of the same licensing deal.

From the complaint, it appears that the author also provided additional material to the studio which was more similar to the final movie but not in the original book:

for real movie studios have a long history of stealing shit from authors and screenwriters. i usually give benefit of the doubt to the author with the beef than the huge corporation making tons of money

25 million copies sold.

Tess Gerritsen is an extraordinary woman, a trained surgeon and international bestseller. In person she is quiet, self-contained and gentle, as well as self-deprecating and funny. She is the most intelligent speaker I have ever heard (saw her at a conference). Her books are great. She has a chunk of money from TV and

Per the statement on her website:

Optimistic thought: this is an argument that true altruism exists.

Exactly, I was going to say the same thing, how do you even hold up a concrete wall?! It's amazing. Rest in peace, young man.

Joey: Wait a minute. I know you. You're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. You play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers.

Oh for fuck's sake. Comments like this should be deleted. Google something for yourself instead of being ~so proud you don't know celebrity culture.

Well, no. We've all been to high school. It's entirely possible that all the people involved are collectively lying. It wouldn't be the first time, or the last.

Thats fair enough. I prefer to judge when I have enough information that I can make an informed opinion. Until then I cant really do anything.

A google search tells me he "has never been charged or convicted of a crime."

Because people like that aesthetic, though, obviously, you're not one of them.

as much as i hate to agree with rhayn, he/she has a point. so far, as you yourself write, "the public has heard allegations". allegations do not prove anything and if there is no evidence, why should feel obligated to disavow him? i'm not saying this to defend terry richardson - i personally believe the allegations -

Agreed. I just need to *not* see a Beyonce headline for, like, a week, and I'll better about life.