
I believe you, but I don't want to believe this person actually exists.

What are the odds that the men who would actually fuck her know how to read?


May we all have such a towel so we can get laid when we need the orgasms for cramp control.

I love imagining her picking out her collars based on how pissed she is at a decision. "Oh, I am going full-on starched cotton on this bitch!"

I'd go watch it, but I heard they make you constantly stand up and sit back down again during the movie.

South Tyrol is in Italy. It was German up until WWI, but was ceded to Italy afterward. Most of the people who live there still speak German (hence the German names), and there have been a lot of discussions about independence or seceding to join Austria, but it is an Italian province.

So.. is this a new series, Canadians in cars getting coffee?

"We do not hire strippers for the event because some of the guys are older and have wives "

I'm thinking it will be a little something like...

For a lot of women, on the commode is the most comfortable place to birth. Their feet can touch the ground and it is open. It's basically a birthing stool for when you don't have a birthing stool.

She was preparing you for getting shit on by life itself. It was a kindness, really.

My mom pooped on my face right after I popped out. It is her favorite story.

Birth, a.k.a. "taking a number 3"

I don't think this came off as preachy. All in all, it's a very cheerful video. The underlying message, of course, is something many people don't want to think about or are afraid to think about. It's all in the little things, after all. Whether it's tasting chocolate for the first time or being able to read an

You're tripping over your hindsight. Obviously, the pilot could've waited until he'd blown the plane up to ask for the commandos to storm the plane, but of course if that was the SOP by then the passengers would have been scattered all over the Midwest. And I'd really rather pilots concentrate on flying the plane,