
Where else would that message go? We still have to read the headline.


I think that person was talking about religious Jewish women who wear wigs for religious reasons

I think that person was talking about religious Jewish women who wear wigs for religious reasons.


Coulda warned us this would turn into a rant. I would have saved it for when I needed a rant.

What the hell are you thinking when you say that permission to film doesn't matter? Please, clean up that sentence. Doesn't matter to who? Doesn't matter for what? Clarity on exactly what you mean is really important, or maybe you think permission to film never matters?

The quote above about women's social incursions. I agree that they are received as more offensive more of the time - this is patriarchy.

I actually agree with that statement - it's the same process that gets a woman called a bitch and a man called a boss. No mystery here.

How can you not talk about this, though?

Good thing she wasn't jogging with headphones on.

I've used 'kraut' in the sense of 'kraut efficient' which I didn't think was bad, but I guess it is?

Not being a Taylor Swift fan, but having heard some of her hits and kinda liked them, which songs of hers have content like that? Actually wondering, no sarcasm. Maybe I wasn't listening to the words? That song about the white dress is pathetic but old timey relatable - that's all I can think of.

I think the commentary is the best/worst part of the video!

Or, to some people, she's so unlikeably fake and her lyrics are mostly shit?

Oh sure, and that fight in the elevator was totally normal and boring, too.

I can't tell if you mean this seriously or sarcastically.

the hoodies, yes - everything else, no - imo

I have to think this is more concern; it looks like a dead body's legs are hanging out the window.

Is it just me? Or is there more of you on GT recently?