Idina didn't have whiny bitch Justin Timberlake to both cause the problem and run away and never take responsibility.
Idina didn't have whiny bitch Justin Timberlake to both cause the problem and run away and never take responsibility.
Hitchens wasn't spouting a new idea. The piece just sold magazines. Same old argument that women can't do things that women aren't "supposed" to do. It's the most time-honoured argument in the traditions of the patriarchy.
Louis C.K.'s face was the first reason I never wanted to watch his show. The second reason? I don't think he's funny.
Thank you for writing this.
As you should.
Affluenza - this is what is meant by rape culture - there's a different set of rules when the crime is sexual assault and the victim is female.
Poorly handled by HF, but in itself, not a bad question.
pfff acid washed booty shorts will look amazing if you look good in booty shorts to begin with!
Uh, not really. Just think about it.
Let's make MHP president of television?
Not at all, just really surprised at the hate.
Well, I don't know the beers you mentioned, and since I'm from London where Labatt is brewed, I've met lots of people who drink it, and who I'm sure still drink it from time to time. To me, it seems a lot of trouble to seek out craft brews when I know what I like, and I'm happy to stick with that. I'm honestly not th…
Scroll up to find the place where I say I misinterpreted the post. Too bad I didn't realize that until after the terrible reaction to my shocked but well-intentioned comment.
Smithwellette, you have made a lot of assumptions about me that I have not bothered to correct, though I was tempted then, as now, to defend myself. I'd like you to know that there are very few subjects on which I set out to pick a fight, and as to the rest, I mean well. Mostly, my screen name is my intent.
I'm under the impression that Bud made with the same ingredients and method as Czechvar, and that's as far as my knowledge goes on this particular topic. I like beer, I especially tend to like beer from continental Europe, but I'm not an an expert and don't know what makes a lager different from a pilsner, etc. etc.…
Are you C.A. Pinkham?
Honestly, I think you just have it in for me - I don't see that I've dismissed anyone else's opinions - stating that I don't know how they reached that conclusion and asking for a reference point isn't, to me, what you're describing. We don't all have to agree in order to get along.
Leave me alone, alright? We obviously rub each other the wrong way.
Everyone needs a cause...
Well, just because you think it's awful doesn't make it awful for everyone. Innis & Gunn is nice, but I wouldn't want it all the time or even most of the time or even more of the time. Seems you're Canadian? I'd take Bud over Blue at the bar any day.