Where's that source?
Where's that source?
So, because you had to deal with something shitty, everyone else should have to?
I would have been kicked out of a school that demanded skirts on any given day. It would have never happened. I would be a straight A student with a lengthy detention record.
I kind of don't get it when women dress in a way that would make anyone stare, not because it's different or special, but because it's different and overtly sexy. I love it when people dress differently, even if I don't have the balls to do it myself. The overtly sexy thing I do not get. Men or women.
Men will look no matter what you wear. You can't stop it.
Whoa, that's not essentially a uniform to me.
What do you mean by this? I'm just failing to imagine this scenario. Help?
What do you do, exactly?
I agree - being presentable is more than just standardized dressing. I think that's harder to dictate and enforce, though. And more open to interpretation. Still, I think being rubbed the wrong way by the way someone dresses is immature and short-sighted.
nicely said.
For the first time ever, we disagree. I say let them be kids until they can't be kids anymore. Also, not every job requires a 'wish you didn't have to wear it and tear it off as soon as you get home' kind of dress code.
Depends if you think he raped her or not.
You mean the smug old guy getting by on the skin of his teeth? He always seems to behave like he's teetering on the ledge of being killed off, and his attitude is so smugly 'dignified' I can't handle it. Make him go away.
Yup, Oberyn is HOTT
I was thinking almost the same thing. Everyone's different, and nothing wrong with hers, I wouldn't say 'odd' but I would say they are high.
I'm too invested in the old Dario and too invested in Cal on Orphan Black for me to enjoy scenes like this.
Tell it to a man, call him a not particularly dedicated father because he wanted to do other stuff than spend time with a baby.
Where can I find this dress in misandry man tears color?
I wouldn't count out racism or classism without knowing more about it for myself.
You obviously didn't read what I wrote. It's okay.