iHateHumanity...and lost burner passwords

I generally go with something that makes it clear to my kid that a ‘meh’ is an acceptable answer. Thanks to the joys of modern families, I’ve experienced parents who didnt give a shit as well as parents who demanded I come up with something to tell them, even though my day today was just like my day yesterday and

Was dragged to this church by my biological, born again father every other weekend in my youth (at least it taught me to hate organized religion at an early age). This is EXACTLY what I would expect from it. Frankly, I’m shocked there’s a POC who attends there.

Still is a thing, at least in the state of Wisconsin - I cannot get a one without my wifes say-so. I’m not sure about the reverse, but that has more to do with the fact that after a lifetime of birth control for her, there’s not much question which one of us will eventually go under the knife.

Jane. This is my favorite hate read and you said nothing unreasonable or frustrating in it. Please address in future issues.

Show me on the doll where the internet touched you....

Picard did it better, what with the not actually dying thing.

Probably. Just happens to strike close to home for my partner, and I’m overtired and cranky at the office.

“As always, it’s amazing that as long as humanity has been having babies, we don’t have better solutions for these fairly common complaints”

Who do these complaints impact? Women? Not that amazing then really, is it?

Honestly, its infuriating. It appears that my fellow men dont either care about their partners well

No need to apologize at all.

Thank you! ::Hugs::

Same. S/O said something really hurtful last week that she was well aware would cause damage. Wasnt angry at her (she was discussing her feelings, and getting mad at someone for how they feel is a fruitless adventure if there ever was one) but was hurt. Made good face in front of her daughter, but didnt feel

Yeah - thats really key there too. Some victims become crusaders...and others kind of have to protect that scar and try and stay away from predatory sexual behavior at all costs because it absolutely fucks with us. I know as a man I need to speak up more, but there are a LOT of days that as a victim I just dont have

Not me, thankfully.

And if you left, your taste in men is far from beyond saving. Heres to better things in your future.

There’s a really significant chance that you’re my S/O, even though I’m positive she doesnt read Jez. But in case you are - thanks for putting up with it. I know.

Even if Kaep wasnt Kaep, they wouldnt do it. Ted will always stick with his guys. The fact that our offseason FA signings are under performing will likely reinforce this behavior even further.

My Sophomore year of college, and my parents are heading out of town for a week over thanksgiving. As most of my friends are leaving campus for the week, I figure I’ll head home and enjoy the ever important “free-not-top-ramen” food they’re likely to have in their refrigerator.

“You must admit” followed by “It seems to me”.

So does he have to admit that you think its mostly white guys? You’ve confused me sir/ma’am.

Hey! You! Stop with all the nuanced sense talking! We’ll have none of it here! Either all cops are saints or worse than the mafia ever was, is, and ever shall be!

Datime bombing in a Lancaster? No. Lancasters actually being slow enough to climb out onto the wing during combat? Yeah, that one makes some sense, actually.

People generally shoot at you more than once, especially when they’re not worried about being shot at in return. A vest is generally rated to stop one round...and doesn’t protect the head, arms, legs, etc.

A disarmed police force is a wonderful thought, but in those countries where it works, there’s generally pretty