The day I wear an SCBA to protect myself from anything with a mortality rate less than that of untreated plague has not yet been made.
The day I wear an SCBA to protect myself from anything with a mortality rate less than that of untreated plague has not yet been made.
Me, in a very small but probably infuriating way. I fly reasonably often, and my strategy to survive is a pretty simple one - sit as far back in the plane as possible (I find that while this makes it slightly more likely i’ll get the dreaded child, it also tends to mean more ‘B’ type personalities who are pretty…
Who so commonly hide behind the shield of ‘I’m just an introvert’ its difficult to tell the difference, unfortunately for my introverted friends. I’ve never understood why dickheads who hate people just wont cop to it - whats the worst that could happen, they hate you back? Seems fair to me, honestly.
That screen looks worse than the one I bolted into my boat without any give a damn to anything that wasn’t ‘will it fit’. It’s a crime against humanity and ruins the car for me all on its own. The other cues like a lack of door handles also are bad, and Ford should feel bad. They don’t make a dependable enough car for…
Wait wait wait....I cant just slaughter everything? Bah. Sneaking sucks.
Fishing takes probably 3 seconds, which you have early in matches before the storm shrinks. People who are good at building can build startlingly quickly (like fast enough to trap my old slow ass inside of a multistory maze in about 2 seconds)
But will there be single console co-op? The joy of Diablo for me these days is sitting next to my wife on the couch and munching through another mindless raid, cheering for each better loot drop (or cursing if we’re really close to getting something we want and our partner gets it).
Hey Samer - Just here, not sticking to sports. Wondering how you felt about Bill Murray applying to work at an airport restaurant, the weather in Albuquerque, and how long before we look at the era of uggs with society wide horror.
You’re not wrong - hell, I’m a disgusting Packers fan and I watch maaaaaybe one or two games a year thanks to a combination of shitty product, shitty officiating, and ethical concerns. And we’ve been pretty dang good since ‘96! So yes, it does get worse every year its just...I cant believe you havent quit yet is all…
If you’re still a Lions fan at this point, you’ll die a Lions fan. You’ve suffered enough to leave, so whatever is stopping you is clearly stronger than self interest.
This sort of inspired reporting is exactly why I read this site every day. Kudos to you Lauren, this is exceptional.
Sorry to necro this, but starting to get into the market - anyone care to tell me how this thing tows?
Comment about how this is a basic function of football and how difficult it is to watch from someone obviously watching.
More than how well he pitched, was his willingness to do it on short rest, over, and over, and over, and carry that team into their first playoff appearance in many fans memories. Without CC, Brewers history is vastly different. If he doesnt end up on our walk of fame, it will be a travesty.
Clancy never had the balls though - the character was a retired marine in the novels and routinely ended up with a firearm in hand. He wasnt John Clark, hero of the great white power fantasy leading his reliable minority sidekick ‘Ding’ - but he wasnt portrayed as a marshmallow with a brain.
You dont deserve the crushing you’re getting. The internet is terrible. You seem alright though!
Thank you for pointing out the horror that is ‘Alleged victim’.
Dudes white though?
Serious question - who pays to rebuild my house?
Ford’s success with repeat customers had an awful lot to do with price - You could get more vehicle for less money. Now that a Ford is just as insanely expensive as the rest, and my second F150 is on its second trans and I no longer trust the frame to hold up to heavy towing....I’m going to (eventually) mortgage my…