Looks like Anna dismissed a shitheal who did just that. Good on her.
Looks like Anna dismissed a shitheal who did just that. Good on her.
Too many people being nice here. The ladies that you care deeply for are deeply dangerous people who are willfully putting their children and yours in danger because; (A) they would rather have dead children then children on the spectrum AND (B) they lack the brain power genetics gave a snail. Fuck ‘em. Sucks for the…
The future market potential of China is overstated. Their economy is balanced on a razors edge right now, and its looking fairly likely to collapse within the next couple years. They’re a good recession away from things stabilizing out enough for them to really compete with the west.
yes it was!
Thats just it - with good jury selection by the defense (older drivers w/o bikes) the motorcyclist will ‘deserve it’ and the ‘stang driver will walk. Not right, but an easy acquittal. Wont come to that though, there will be a plea deal to a misdemeanor and a ticket. Trials are risky and expensive.
A number of family members (who became American citizens postwar) served in the Wehrmacht during the war. The level of hatred they had for the Nazi’s was impressive - they were professional soldiers of the Prussian sort and took great pride in what that meant. They didnt harbor any malice for allied soldiers before,…
You’re right on coming in from the top - the BF109 and FW 190 were mostly energy fighters who would use an altitude advantage to dive on a bomber and make an attack run, then scoot the hell out of dodge. Loitering around a B-17 is a pretty unhealthy idea.
That said, my great uncle flew in the mighty 8th, and his only…
Why does this make me so insanely angry?
Chicken muscle doesnt have any higher or lower a chance of having germs on or in it than beef does - but keeping chicken from contaminating is much harder for a number or reasons. If the chicken is properly handled, pink chicken is fine to eat, but in the states, its best to assume that it hasnt been properly handled.
Bigger question...what the hell kind of turtle cant swim?!
The next reply was wonderfully timed.
From the USAF brass talking point list, I’m guessing.
It matters RIGHT NOW, given that one of the reasons the USAF wants to scrub one of its best air frames is to move money to the f-35. Funding isnt unlimited - actually, since sequester, funding is really, really, really tight.
Wasnt Ray telling us how to raise our children recently?
I mean, we kind of needed the draft in the 20th century, and in government time (I’m ingorning ‘nam here for obvious reasons, as its necessity is...in significant question) 60 years really isnt THAT long. So no, we couldnt have gotten rid of it 200 years ago (though more people would understand me when I speak German…
No, they arent - but she was arguing in favor of abolishing the draft. Which should happen. Besides, we havent drafted people into the military for quite some time. We’re not that badly in need of bodies.
Its entirely likely that these people represent the smartest that Alabama has to offer. I mean, they CAN actually write, at least.
“Soon enough”
Isnt that SOP over there?
I’ll be watching the show - and skipping the next books. I just cant with GRRM’s publishing schedule any more. The books are amazing, and I’m sure I’ll finish them off some day (if GRRM ever finishes them) but I’ll take an inferior complete product over half a masterpiece.