on a sidenote, I would love to find out one day that in real life you and ballsmcgee actually have the last name McGee and refer to each other as balls and boobs. I have imagined your whole life as a couple now, don't let me down.
on a sidenote, I would love to find out one day that in real life you and ballsmcgee actually have the last name McGee and refer to each other as balls and boobs. I have imagined your whole life as a couple now, don't let me down.
THANK YOU for not posting the photos, was much more enjoyable this way.
the best line!
I think it’s awesome, especially if it was his choice. It should be a great chance for people to get a better understanding of the subject, and I'm all for more understanding.
The criticism that Kris received for not publicly supporting Bruce really stung.
ps great avatar
“Girls are not intelligent”
there needs to be a more powerful action beyond “star”- I <3 this comment
This LITERALLY just happened in Brazil with Skol, another beer from Ambev. Like, this year even. The line was “I left my “no” at home,” C’mon guys, get your shit together.
The olives at subway are super high in sodium so maybe it’s for the best, especially if your friend was trying to go all max-veggies and be healthy... ;)
Any article that begins “Florida woman...” you know is going to be good.
C'mon guys this isn't exactly the first time she's trolled paparazzi..
So you don't mind if I steal it? ;)
Sooooo... how many times DO you need to call the police and report an abusive husband? 14 isn't enough? What about 16? 20? Ridiculous.
I love you
Right, I heard that and I was like.... oh but it's cool if she dies a different night?
I always assumed she was acting, not that that was her accent in real life.
is argle bargle a reference to something or are you just amazing?