
two confessions:

I'm with you on the toblerones. Such great chocolate, but such a pain in the ass to eat. and you can never just break off a triangle. Sometimes I buy the mini ones, you know, for practice.

Holy crap I opened this article thinking the title was a joke and I had to read it twice to be sure it wasn’t. I guess I’ll have to wait for the book.

whenever I hear these stories I just think of the observers and their pepper sandwiches

ITS NOT FREE IF YOU GIVE IT TO ME. Amazing. Does this work? I'm going to try it sometime. Perhaps with a smile and a wink rather than yelling and screaming.


"Technically you're not supposed to smoke in the park outside of designated areas but, this being France, everyone smokes wherever they want anyhow."

Wait, what was wrong with the first one?

THANK YOU. I was loving her up until she started giving all those excuses. Why couldn’t she just be upfront? She came there (I’m assuming) with a somewhat professional goal of interviewing him. What message are we sending when we can’t simply say we aren’t interested? Why should it be the standard way to respond?

Digging the pedicure pickup line. Must have a foot fetish on top of the whole “not having a type except that they have to be young, petite and heavy chested” thing.

Holy crap your user name is incredible! All the stars!!

Now playing

You make an excellent point, but all I could think reading your comment was:

Agreed. Not against the naked glitter dance either.

Thanks for making Mondays bearable, as always...

I love it! brb while I spend the next couple hours googling survivalist websites!

Holy crap I want to hear more of this story! Also love the tattoo!

My heart is so torn about this movie. I lived in LA when the series first came out and I went out in Hollywood a lot and I was a fan at the time (despite the fact that it represents every single thing I ever hated about LA and Hollywood and misogyny)... so obviously after I left LA and grew out of that phase in my

I will preface this by saying I live for this blog and I love making fun of stupid people, too. But in reference to the egg wars, were the customers by chance Brazilians? In Portuguese, they call scrambled eggs "ovos mexidos," which literally translated means mixed eggs. Does not, of course, forgive the

This summary is on point! Only missing the summary of the video: