
Sorry your heart is too cold and dead to appreciate the cuteness of kitties’ jelly bean toes.

All those recent shooting sprees were just guys trying to start conversations about gun violence! They were wildly successful.

so there is this

See what happens when the Supreme court allows Lebanese marriages? Destroying marriages, just like they said!

“it’s hard to get a clear theory about why unmarried women in China can legally adopt but not give birth on their own.”

We have way too many people on this planet. Humans are shit at deciding who else should or should not die. Therefore the only fair way to fix things is to create a society where stupid fucks are more likely to off themselves. We should rejoice whenever people take one for the team and darwin themselves.

I bet he has an entire other family who are even more brainwashed than his current wife/kids. Like, they don’t even know who he is because they don’t have access to TV or internet or even the radio. He has a second wife who just writes him letters on vellum and lets him fuck her constantly.

$20 on some crazy Baptist mistress. Possible secret 2nd wife.

I can’t bet cuz I agree....oooooor living with a man.

I feel like a lot of his problems would be solved if he just got divorced and over his sexual baggage (except for the child molesting — there’s no wiping the slate clean on that one).

As you watch the trailer, keep your eyes peeled for a flash of shirtless Fassbender.

In May, the pope announced he would dispatch “missionaries of mercy” who would be tasked with pardoning women who had had abortions and the doctors who had performed them.

I grew up in Massachusetts... my much younger brother in Texas. Some of the shit he says makes my jaw drop.

I read it pretty young, too. I kinda want to go to Texas, become a teacher, and make it required reading until I get fired.

It’s freaking amazing I’ve ended up where I am today after a Texas middle and high school education. I felt like I got dumber each year. If it weren’t for 7 years in the northeast before that, who knows. At least I had a kick-ass American History teacher who probably wouldn’t have stood for this b.s. anyway.

Sorry if I was a little soap-boxy about that - It’s a pet peeve of mine (you can probably tell). As someone who has no intention of having kids, I find the “you’re selfish” remark to be among the most anoying because it’s actually completely untrue. I don’t know why that perspective continues to be perpetuated when

Given that the show itself looks like a mash-up of The Walking Dead and The Strain, that seems very reasonable!

yea, that shirt is a total turn off.

My favorite thing about the...women’s cardigan I think? he’s wearing is how it’s supposed to indicate that this guy is, like, super into drugs and living dangerously. He’s a total mess, amirite!

It must be....mine says exactly the same thing!