
One of my (female) friends is the same way. I guess I can get it with something like tomato soup or some of the other brothy soups, but I don’t see how you can make a blanket “soup isn’t a meal” statement. I don’t see how something like potato soup or a beef and barley soup don’t count as a full meal.

My ex, who is stupid, didn’t even think sandwiches counted as a meal. I can eat soup for all meals, which used to freak out my old office mates because they claimed it wasn’t a breakfast food. Koreans are all about soup.

So in this part of Canada it’s generally frowned upon to be racist when it comes to black people, not that we have many to be racist against. So I don’t know. That could go either way. I assume Aboriginals fare poorly because it’s totes okay to hate on them. These are my ignorant white-person assumptions.

Yeah, when I’m out walking my dog these days, I smell more weed than I smell cigarettes. Seriously, every single day I’ll pass someone smoking a joint.

yeah, “canada’s” attitude towards pot is a misnomer. canadian citizens generally have no problems with legalizing and taxing it. police have far more important things to worry about. it’s generally viewed as harmless and no one really cares. canada’s government, on the other hand, thinks all the kids are going to be

I’m exactly the same way. I like looking outside. Otherwise, I’ll just go from my heated/air-conditioned house to my heated/air-conditioned car to my heated/air-conditioned destination and back again.

Often just as we are settling down to sleep, designcat gets a deep and abiding urge to run at top speed from our bedroom window to the living room window (sounding more like an elephant than a cat as she does so), yowls at the top of her little lungs, runs BACK to the bedroom window, yowls some more, and then repeats

This. And the conversations you have with these owners are unbelievable. You explain patiently that it isn’t appropriate for their cats to wreak havoc on your property. And they’re like, “but they need to be freeeeeee!” Um, it’s a domesticated house pet, not a fucking eagle you rescued in the woods. Either be

For the cats that were once indoor/outdoor, they can build a cattio (enclosed outdoor play area for cats) or even cheaper, get a harness/leash to take their cats on walks! For the feral cats, Trap, Neuter, Return. I feel like there are so many obvious solutions to this problem, how is Australia’s solution just

Exactly. I used to be a believer in “cats need to go outside” because “the natural way of things” or some such bullshit. Then I moved to where going outside was extremely lethal for cats. Imagine my surprise when my cats suddenly started living longer and healthier lives. And then there’s the whole not killing birds

Cats should be kept indoors at all times. It increases the lifespan of cats, improves the health of cats, and keeps them from destroying native wildlife. Also, I really do not understand why cat owners and cat owners alone have the right to let their animals leave shit, dug up landscaping, and dead birds all over your

Without makeup and hair perfectly coiffed and in regular clothes, I can I also pass for 12 at the age of 28. We hardly see women in their 20s without those things. I’m guessing it’s a problem with our media and entertainment. Most teenage and 20 something characters are played by much older people (some pushing or in

This isn’t about you.

At this point I think Adam Sandler might just be a jizz crusted sock from some MRA dude bro’s masturbatory habits that became sentient because life starts at ejaculation.

I did really well at math until high school and my asshole freshman algebra teacher. I quit math, and I still have a block about it.

Well I guess it is kind of “naturally” because damned if someone isn’t telling us math is a guy thing from go.

I think a lot of people do equate skinniness with happiness. They work and suffer and try and obsess so that they can get to a size or weight where they think ‘happiness’ lives. And some of them manage to do that. So they think they’ve ‘earned’ their happiness. They ‘earned’ that boyfriend (who would dump them in a

Boko has killed tens of thousands and kidnapped who knows how many others. Apparently you do?