
HOLY SHIT I HAVE AN ACTUAL LADY TIP FOR ONCE. I use a carabiner as my main keychain and I clipped like 3-5 hair elastics to it so that I would theoretically always have one with me. When I take it out, I try to remember to clip it back to its home, but I don’t always. But then I have backups, so this works for me.

Yeah, count me among the people who are NOT terrified of this kind of thing. You know what terrifies me? Having a baby with no way to control for whether it will be healthy or have some kind of terrible debilitating illness. Because you can never know. Not for certain, no matter how healthy you and your partner may

Exactly. Seeing prenatal geneticists to scan for possible hereditary problems like Tay-Sachs and sickle cell anemia is considered normal now, and it used to be radical.

Since long term license suspensions rarely result in the person ceasing to drive, a short term suspension until a breathalyzer lock off can be installed makes more sense.

This is one crime where I think the time in jail needs to be increased. At least where I live, drunk drivers get off shockingly light. Even when they lose their license they still drive, still get caught and little punishment. Even drunk drivers who kill usually get 2 years in jail max. People spend more time in

well this comment fucking sucks, is the thing.

This is one of best looking example of the uber pointy nail trend I've seen, but man I can't wait for it to pass. To me, it's an aesthetic that is hopelessly dated and juvenile (neither in a good way) that makes people look either like extras in Designing Women or tween goth wannabees.

Did you miss the part about how he has a history of targeting women, especially women of color, and telling them to "get fucked by a rake"? If you wanna blow past some remarks about which ethnicity tips the worst, that's one thing. But bullying women of color with rape threats is really quite another.

I hope I don't come off as overly defensive here but here goes. I don't expect you to grab a pitchfork and honestly I get why you don't want to. I get exhausted by being angry sometimes too.

The fact he deleted them and so promptly is the icing on the cake. He knows he's waaay in the wrong and he could have easily squashed the whole thing with a simple post "hey guys I used to be a bigot and sexist but that's not me anymore, I've done some growing since then." But instead he just pulls a scorched earth

I thought racism is something we develop, but my kids made me reconsider it to be innate. For example, when Obama was debating Romney during the 2012 campaign, I asked my 3 year old daughter who she wanted to win. She pointed at Romney and explained: “he looks like us Daddy.”

Even women that get short men's haircuts are getting reemed at the men's barber. I've read three different stories about it in the comments.

Are you really picking at this person’s wording, which is a memory, from high school? Sorry they didn’t scan and post the actual document so you could nitpick

I love you though. That is ingenious!

That was fantastic.

Interesting. I’m not sure how I would feel about adopting a non-white baby (I’m white) in large part because of what I’ve read about whether that’s really ok and doubts about whether I could properly give that child access (not exactly the right word, exposure, something) to their cultural heritage. On the other hand

That´s also true. There´s been a lot of concern about this because of the situation with her former and current literary agent - are these people manipulating her?

Interesting thought. I hadn't considered that. I don't suppose we will ever know.

It makes me wonder if she flat out needs the money. Compromise: Since a prequel/sequel to Mockingbird will sell with or without an author press tour, why not release the book, let us give her all of our money AND leave her alone?