
That is one ardently anti-Zionist cat.

I was devastated when, at 8, I realized that I couldn't be a lion with the fluffiest mane when I grew up. I had a friend who wanted to be a dump truck when he grew up.

What I gathered from this video is that children have a hard time finding fault in their own physiques (besides lacking super powers), but will willingly call their friends "Dumbo" and "Five Head".

I wanted to be a fireman. Not a firelady, fireman. I was very specific. My sister wanted to be a cheerleader.

I asked a child client ( around 5 years old) what he wanted to be when he grew up. he said "uh a grown up!!." I was like, dude, way to set up your dreams! You will be a grown up when you grow up! No disappointment :)

i love that the older woman loved her white hair - so while mostly the kids were happier with themselves it was also nice to see an adult that is also like "this is me and i like it"

When I was in first grade or so, I told my parents that I wanted to be a stewardess (they get to fly on planes!). My dad said "that's a flying waitress" and something to the effect that I could do better. Which on the one hand is kind of dickish, as flight attendants work damn hard, as do waitresses. But on the

My 4 yr old daughter went to a birthday at the Tea Party Castle where she was asked, pageant style, what she wanted to be when she grew up by the head princess. Her answer: a turtle.

When I was age of the kid in the poster frame, I wanted floor length hair. In retrospect, I was a moron.

It was just really bad. I mean obviously the whole movie was bad b/c accuracy isn't the most important in major movies but hers was really bad. There's no way someone of her birth would have dressed that way. Too plain and too cheap. She would have dressed as fancily as Jane.

I've learned that kids are very smart. They know if they are ready to read something or not ready. Kids who think they are not ready, don't read my Fear Street books.

Yours were the first books my very conservative parents (unsuccessfully) tried to ban me from reading. In their defense, I was in grade two or three at the time, and reading the books featuring high school students. Do you think your books should be kept from kids until they reach a certain age?

I seized on that, too. Semi-popular? Them's fighting words around these here parts.

Eight women, all different, from different walks of life. One a semi-popular television actress...

Because in the course of almost 5 years no one can become a fan of anything. EVERYTHING MUST STAY EXACTLY THE SAME ALWAYS.

And the law failed her. Like so many others.

I can't star this enough.

"You taught us that as we go to school one should be a lady in face of the quarrels and complaints. Do you remember how much you underlined the way we behave? Your experience was incorrect. When this incident happened, my teachings did not help me. Being presented in court made me appear as a cold-blooded murderer and

I only use gentle face-wash on my face. Not soap or anything. I think it's oil of olay foaming cleanser. It's got salicylic acid and I love it. I use that and throw on moisturizer with sunscreen, and that's basically it. I do need something other than water for my t-zone and that's the best stuff I've found to date.

White men, specifically. White men standing their white ground against those scary non-white people.