
It's magically defenceless!

I wear minimal makeup and still only wash with water! I agree that it's totally the way to go. There was a small transitional period when I stopped using soap and my natural oil levels had to balance out, but now I never have issues with oily or dry skin anymore. I really think all those fancy facial cleansers are

And sleep, exercise, hydration and avoiding booze and cigarettes. All of which strike many people as way less attainable than $250 moisturizer.

I recently did a bunch of reading on this and was appalled at how much I didn't wear sunscreen. I do tend to stay out of the sun because I don't like it, though, so maybe that saved it a bit. But now I wear sunscreen every day and touch it up if needed with translucent SPF powder. Starting at age 32 is better than

I've used Dr. Haushka products off and on since I was a teenager. One of the reasons I loved him is that he never did a night cream. His belief was that your skin needed to breath at night and that you needed to use less shit on your face to teach dry skin to produce it's own oils. I like that honesty.

I know, right? I always say that my secret is having inherited the skin genes of toxic, emotionally vampiric grandparents who look about 30 years younger than they actually are (around 90—maybe they're actual vampires, I dunno?) I also have a very tame lifestyle and rarely drink any alcohol and have never done drugs

The single most valuable piece of life advice my grandmother ever gave me was: Stay out of the sun.

I think people are also disappointed that a lot of "good skin" is genetics— there are plenty of people who avoid the sun, drink lots of water, do everything "right" and still get acne/discolouration/wrinkles/other "flaws." The only thing that drives me as crazy as all the faux-science in skincare products is people

Also remember that there's so much more to skin care than expensive products. People have asked me what my secret is, and I swear they're disappointed to hear that I have clear, young-looking skin as a result of years of sun avoidance and keeping products like BB cream and cover up OFF my skin.

What astounds me is that people will use her and her success as an example of "bootstraps" and resist any programs and changes that will feed children. /sigh - people suck.

My mother was one of those, and we still haven't forgiven her. Same for medical care. I have so many dental problems now all because she was "too proud" to get us on medical assistance from the state.

I can't deal with it either. Especially since my husband and I grew up with such immense economic privilege and we see how many of our friends post the 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps', National Review type stuff.

One of my kids had this at school and it was AWESOME. It is about the only thing we miss from that school district.

Eggs are thirty cents a piece, but you can't just buy one egg! I hate people who say shit like that. I live in a very red county, and it's starting to get to me in a really bad way. I've seen people who GET food stamps posting memes about "lazy food stamp moochers" on Facebook.

That is the worst. My friend was part of a missionary trip to Honaker, KY - a former coal mining town that was without paved roads, running water, and electricity. They accepted help with fixing up houses but would not accept the truckload of clothes, food, toiletries, shoes, etc. that were badly needed because they

It's even more insidious than that. There is such a stigma attached to asking for the help that is available that some people would rather go hungry (and their children, too) than reach out for assistance because they are ashamed and feel like they should "pulling their own weight" by their bootstraps like real

I wish I could say it astounds me, but I've met some of those people. Humanity isn't their strong suit.

You missed one:

She went to Australia, which was clearly the dumping ground for criminals. She was asking for it.

Yeah, I think you about covered it all.