
So, if reasonable, responsible and intelligent people can't get birth control, they're forced to just deal with being pregnant.

Brain rage at you right now. Women are not out there getting abortions because the dirty sluts like filthy sweaty monkey sweat and didn't want to bother with the OH-SO-EASILY attainable birth control (that the religious right is fervently working to annihilate in the US,) so the dirty bitches that danced with the

Reading about the shit you poor american women have to put up with makes me thankful for the (not perfect) UK
While we ourselves are going through the biggest benefit reform of modern memory (Thanks Cameron you complete and utter see you next tuesday!) at least nobody is trying to take away our contraception or

Which verse is this? I heard someone else mention this recently and I'd love to have it in my arsenal of "actually, the bible says THIS..."

She may just have a good sense of self-idiocy preservation - reading the bible is 90% of the reason I'm an atheist. I used to read it in church and often wanted to raise my hand, interrupt the sermon, and say, "Hey, can we talk about this? Some of the stuff in here is NUTS."

Preach with the Creuset! My forever beloved SIL bought a braiser for my wedding (didn't even ask because I baulked at the price tag) and I love this thing to motherfucking pieces. If you have problems with non-stick, this shit's for you! You will be able to get off anything, guaranteed. It might take a little

I feel bad for religious/spiritual people who aren't assholes. Because the loudest "Christians" are the douchiest ones by far. It's gotta hard to stand up and say you're a Christian in any politically progressive space.

I used to have a very religious boss (but like, religious in that she doesn't think gay people should get married, women shouldn't have access to safe abortions, and God will direct her what to do in difficult situations which she is fully responsible for placing herself in) who openly admitted that she's never read

As a Christian, I whole-heartedly second that. Thankfully, the church I attend is all about social justice and not about the judging.

This drives me nuts. I want to shake religious pro-lifers and scream "IT'S IN YOUR OWN DAMN BOOK - READ IT SOMETIME!" at them.

*Sigh* Some of these people are so picky!

I love mincing garlic but I might but that little thing simply for its ADORABLE factor.

I have a red LeCreuset dutch oven and I use it more than any other pot. They really are worth every penny. Chili, soup, stew, pasta sauce, it cooks everything like a boss.

What is this garlic thingie? It looks fabulous! I HATE mincing garlic, so I think I must have this!

I agree. A few years ago, an 11 year old in my area became pregnant after being raped by her friend's father while at a sleepover. While I was still reeling from the horror of that, I saw commenters to the article praying that her family would do the "right thing" by not having an abortion and forcing her to carry the

I'm a big fan of celebrating every time I'm not pregnant. A nice meal out, maybe a spa day...

Now playing

Like this David Lynch Clearblue commercial! With the smile... That smile could only mean NOT PREGNANT.

It makes me feel so angry and powerless when this shit happens. /HULK SMASH

Yeah, where's the photo of the woman with a 'not pregnant' test in one hand and a bottle of celebratory champagne in the other?

I like to yell, "GUESS WHAT? YOU'RE STILL NOT A DADDY!!!!!" at him. The we high five each other and drink red wine in celebration.