
I do keep seeing/hearing "studies" showing that, but... how come every time you see a TV show about struggling-with-poverty-in-America, it's always married-with-kids families, who can't make ends meet because only one adult works and has just been laid off and the kids are money-sinks? Because the married poor are

yup. all of these types of articles are just noise to cover up the basic truth

Yep. My Husband's grandfather died last December. He was a WONDERFUL man and welcomed me into the large family with open and unsteady arms. He insisted I call him "Grandpa Vic".

I know you're suggesting everyone should already know all of this already, but I did find that piece really interesting and informative — I know that blackface is wrong, wrong, wrongity wrong, but I'd never particularly read up on the history: I'd heard the name "Jim Crow" in passing but didn't know what it was all

Yep. Beggin' for an eggin'.

I don't even need to be in BFF threesome. Just let me in the same room. I'll refill the wine, something.

Sad! I would get embarrassed of my diaries every few years and get rid of them, because they were full of hearts and underlinings and crushes I'd outgrown. I would likewise give a great deal to read that stuff now, because it's probably hilarious.

My mom is a hoarder, so I have been slyly digging around looking for the shoebox full of notes my friends and I sent back and forth to each other in Geometry and U.S. History. I just know that it would be useful life stuff, since I was so damned smart in those days.

I, too, did the big data dump. My reasons were a bit more morbid (if I died tomorrow, people will READ THESE!). Here I am, 43, and really wishing I could see what 13 year old me was thinking and going through. Oh, well....

The first letter I ever got from a boyfriend. Saved it for years, thought I was being silly and spring cleaned it away, and have regretted it ever since. Not because of him; because it was a part of a very long ago part of my life, you know?

I did the exact same thing, for the exact same reason. I go back and forth between regretting it, and being very, very relieved. It depends on how much wine I've had, really.

I had a nostalgic moment the last time I was home and read some of my old diaries. Less than 50 pages in, I promptly burned them all. Mid-20s me found teenage me to be insufferable.

Having recently re-read my diary...

Yeah - coupled with the fact that there's no "control", i.e., no photos of men to ogle - how can a study say that women get singled out for this? It's just silly. Also, faces are much smaller than bodies. It would be hard to make out all the details of a face on a screen without straining yourself. When shown a

Faces are so small compared to the whole rest of the body. You're right; it takes practically no time at all to look and say "yep, that's a face". The body is not only larger, but there's clothing to look at, posture/body language to think about, so many things going on. I like looking at bodies because I find them

What about teh menz?

This study strikes me as really, really bad. This may be behind a pay-wall, but I'm seeing the full article here (sorry if the link doesn't work). Basically, participants say a photo for 3 seconds, during which time they were asked to either rate physical attractiveness or "positivity". Either of which is probably

I wholeheartedly agree.

it also doesn't factor pheromones or personality-based attractions.

Ugh, I hate this whole "no, you were just shitty, there's nothing wrong with girls" mentality.