
Oh yeah, I'm from the South, which is... what it is. It's really hard to control it sometimes. REALLY hard. I just have to remember that it would be like arguing that the sky is green, and the beliefs they have don't come from being bad people, but from actual ignorance of the ways of the world.

I am very socially liberal, and my boyfriend of almost 5 years is a conservative, for fiscal reasons. He's not pro-life specifically, but he wouldn't vote for a dem because of taxes, etc. He doesn't see it as the most important factor. We've gotten into many fights over it, some more serious than others, and now know

I could never have a relationship with someone who was anti-choice for the same reason I won't see a doctor who's anti-choice. Aside from the basic lack of respect for a woman's humanity, there's the directly personal fact that I couldn't trust them to do what's best for me. If I'm ever in Savita Halappanavar's

I'm a liberal and I've dated both. It's a toss up.

Choice is a deal breaker. I literally walked out of a guy's house pre-coitus because he made a crack about me getting pregnant which lead to finding out he was anti-choice. No thanks, see you later, buhbye.

My husband was more conservative than me when we were dating, and early in our marriage (I still bust his chops about voting for W in 2000). He probably is still more behaviorally and intellectually conservative than my tattoo-havin' ass. But one thing he no longer is? Republican. When I joke that I changed him, he

DISCLAIMER: I am an ex-mormon. I have a really ugly aftertaste in my mouth with regard to religion. Call it a chip on my shoulder if you wish, but it's more like a giant boulder. Being spiritually abused and indoctrinated will do that to you.

Not too shabby. I like it, as long as he doesn't actually get back with her. Rom-Com's occasionally have the people go their separate ways right? She yelled at and then broke up with the guy over something he didn't even do. I just can't see him wanting to get back with her. Can he maybe date a girl who is a

I have to imagine whoever hacks my webcam will get bored pretty quickly. "I've been watching you smoke pot and cigarettes on your couch for the past five hours while you make friendship bracelets...what the fuck are you doing with your life?!"

I mean, I don't wear clothes when I'm at home. So when I'm using my computer, it's almost exclusively naked. If you did manage to hack it, you would be seeing a lot of boob.

I just agree so hard. I work part time as a bartender. The other night at work while I had my back turned this asshole reached across the bar and attempted to grab my co-worker's breast. She slapped his hand away, told me what happened and went to get security. I turn around and him and his douche bag friends are

YES AND YES AND YES!!! I have just recently come to this exact conclusion and started telling others the same thing. If I cannot clearly tell you Yes, then there is NO CONSENT! I don't *have* to tell you no!

Now playing

Yeah. This type of shit reminds me of Dennis from It's Always Sunny:

Yeah seriously. I can recall two different occasions when my partner stopped, pulled out, and asked me if I was okay, because he thought maybe I wasn't. I was, but I think maybe I was just distracted or something. But the point is that men who aren't shitheads —and men who are GOOD lovers— actually want their partners

I know, right?

Nobody said your wife coerced you into marriage. Someone said that repeated attempts to have sex with someone who repeatedly says no is coercion (which it is) and you've made this link which makes absolutely no sense.
Look, I'm sorry you're not getting laid. I'm sorry that your wife won't fuck you anymore and

Word. "Get the yes" is a way better slogan than "No means no".

Agreed. Also raise them to have a healthy level of self esteem so that they wouldn't want to sleep with a woman that wasn't enthusiastically up for it.

Here's the thing: There is a healthy, consensual way to have a dynamic where one or both partners is/are sexually domineering. But the key is consent! Not tacit consent, not implicit consent, actual, we-sat-down-and-talked-through-the-parameters-of-this consent. They don't seem to understand that, just because this

It's actually really depressing that she thinks this is healthy. I mean, she'd probably argue until she's blue in the face that she agrees to this and ends up enjoying it, thinking that is makes it okay and not awful and abusive. Her ignorance is sad.