That is the best definition I've ever heard.
That is the best definition I've ever heard.
In Quebec, along with the 16 weeks maternity leave that women get, men get 5 weeks of "use it or lose it" paternity leave. Then there is the parental leave that can be shared however partners choose. I see a lot more men taking some of the parental leave here in Quebec than my friends in the rest of Canada, and I…
I'm doing what I can for the next generation: teaching my daughters and my son the same life skills. Sewing a button, cooking, laundry washing, working the dishwasher, folding clothes...
I had a sociology class on healthcare in college, and this was discussed. I think it's Sweden, but I could be wrong. If I remember correctly, both the mother and father had to take leave for them both to get the maximum time. Someone else more knowledgeable about it interject?
This is great, I love it, and I'm stealing it for future conversational use.
I like that that definition also includes trans people.
“Who doesn’t like getting attention from the opposite sex?”
Gay people, Meghan. Seems like someone needs to work on their rhetorical questions.
no authority tracks what happens after a child is brought to America
Crime that hurt no one? That's like saying that you've driven home drunk a hundred times and hurt no one - and then bitch about being arrested for a victim-less crime on the 101st time. This is why we have laws against DUI - because eventually the drunk driver will hurt/maim/kill someone. This is the reason why…
Yep. My conservative Irish MIL is still heart broken that he married me - does that mean that his mother wasn't his ideal woman all along?
I lost over 50 lbs over between the ages of 17 and 21. I had no idea that I had changed so radically in the physical dept because I was never one for taking pictures and looking at myself. It took my license getting rejected 3 times before I really saw who I looked like now vs the 'old' me. It's really crazy how you…
That's where I've been. I'm still oh so gradually losing weight but for so long I avoided cameras like the plague. What turned it around for me was my slutty instagram. I started getting way more comfortable with my body so now I take pictures from different angles every week at least, even if it's just to show off…
Samesies! I'm pretty sure I deleted every bit of photographic evidence of my highest weight. But I'm going to keep the pants I wore then in the back of my closet forever to remind myself of how far I've come.
I am reading "My mother, Myself" right now (just started reading it last night, actually, and it is really really good!) and this sentiment made my head turn 360 degrees around in a circle.
I hope her boys marry a Jezebel. :D
I think she missed a word
She prays they'll be drawn to real beauties...JUST LIKE MOMMY DEAREST.
or she prays every day for a spineless woman that her she and her sons can order around to "do the right thing" (hint, no matter what this woman does, it won't be the right thing)