
Thank you for some experienced advisement! I figure I may disappoint some people, but I figure if I they are disappointed then it's probably upset over some historical etiquette and not a personal issue, otherwise they would be attending. That said, I'll probably cave and send some invitations banking on quite a few

The only thing stopping McDonald's from paying its worker $15 is greed for more profits. They actually said that if they paid everyone $15, the prices would have to go up by... wait for it... a quarter. 25 lousy cents.

I just cry every time she speaks. She's just that amazing.

When I forwarded this to a female friend who just happens to be a pediatrician, she automatically said it's related to specialty. As a molecular geneticist who trained with the MD students during clinicals, I can say that in my small sample set the mn were more interested in specialties that yielded more money,

Being smart is still uncool, especially for young women.

I feel the same way. Every damned time. I'm not a huge meat eater, but PETA always just makes me want to go out and eat an entire cow.

Probably not - or, at the very least, they don't create long-term happy, healthy vegetarians/vegans. I had the misfortune a few months back to walk past a PETA protest and get one of their "free vegetarian starter kits" handed to me. I actually read it on the bus coming home (hey, it gets boring). The guide contains

Question... Is there any possible, inoffensive way to invite some cousins but not all? I'm guessing from your comment that the answer is no, bu thope is a helluva drug. I'm much closer to one side of my extended family than the other. I know all of my cousins were invited to my sister's wedding, but only one half came

I hear you girl, I have been labeled a bridzilla because I don't want a goddamn harpist playing as I walk down the isle and canceled the $325.00 cake for a half dozen pies. I am an abomination to my family, maybe that means they won't come!

Finally, someone I can identify with! I wanted a very small, simple affair and ended up with a 350-person-Catholic-wedding-fancy-reception-extravaganza because anything less would have caused a nervous breakdown in both our families. Any personal touch I asked for-having it at the beach, having both my mom and dad

I think their tactics are too hostile. I have been a vegetarian since age 15 (ie: a really long time) and I have had a lot of non vegetarians become immediately defensive when I mention I'm veg. I have nothing against people eating meat, I just never liked it and I am lucky enough to live in a country, state, city

PETA makes me want to eat panda sausages while wearing a fur coat. I hate that racist, sexist, misogynist , animal-killing "charity."

Pet is 1 syllable and 3 letters, easy to say/write. Companion Animal is 2 words, lots of syllables and letters. Fuck that noise.

Their founder, Ingrid Newkirk, is a whackadoo. Their VP also advocates that insulin, that she uses, needs to stop being manufactured because it has bovine products. It's crazy town in the upper echelon.

There are millions of anachronisms in their doctrine. They not only are OK with *some* people having companion animals, their HQ is home to dozens of them.

I know a lot of vegans who rely on them when they first become vegan (I was one of them!). Their craziness mandates that they shame any vegan who eats at a not strictly vegan eatery, even when they have vegan options. They also shame people who have companion animals or do things like go horseback riding. By the time

I went on a date with a PETA member in high school. By the end of it I was ordering extra meat out of sheer spite.

I think it's probably helped to harden more people against vegetarianism, by providing them with such an easily defeated ideological opponent, than it's ever persuaded to become vegetarian.

Schnitzel. You make all the schnitzel.

The sad thing is, pseudoscience is alarmingly easy to fool people with (thanks, fallible human neurological wiring!). PETA doesn't give a shit about being factually correct — which sucks, because there are a lot of great, sound reasons you can make for at least reducing your meat consumption that don't rely on "IF YOU