
That poor girl. Shouldn’t news articles (and blogs) avoid reporting her name? She’s a complete victim here; why make it so easy for all future acquaintances and employers to see what happened with a quick Google search?

I went in expecting the same thing. That would have been just as educational.

While growing up in a household with Dutch-Canadian parents, the only way rice was ever served was with butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon. I can’t stand it that way now, but until I moved away from home I didn’t know rice was served any other way.

What if you use a prepaid credit card on it? If you have a $100 budget for uber, put that amount on a card and have that card linked to uber.

Not having a car saves you money in a lot of ways you don’t think of at first. You have to plan meals better, since making a quick trip to the grocery store isn’t as easy. Stopping for fast food is also much less convenient. Having people over for board games and/or drinks is a lot easier than going out.

How sure is anyone that this is real?

Why do they have to be specific to a certain need? Why not just up the total number of sick days for everyone? You either trust your employees (to not abuse this) or not.

Lesson learned by executives: movies with female leads are a risk.

Definitely not just you!

See also: dresses. People think that I wear dresses all the time in order to look fancy, professional, and stylish. The real reason is that when you pick a dress, you don’t need to worry about anything matching, and (when you’re at home at least) you can lounge around in any position and still be comfortable.

If you ever liked Agricola, the developers came out with a new game a couple years ago called Caverna that takes the best parts of Agricola and leaves out the frustration and randomness. It can be played with 2 to 6 players. This way you get the fun of the game without the memories.

Hmm. I’ll have to look that one up.

I was totally a sceptic too. I want to say “it will never happen here”, but when my own sister thinks the unemployment problems would be solved if all married women would only quit their jobs and stay home, I’m not so sure anymore.

Found it:

Dear Lord. A couple years ago there was a article on io9 asking if the rights that women have today could just be a temporary blip in human history. Sometimes that seems to be more and more likely. I’m so glad I won’t be having children to grow up in this world.

I had a near-death experience a decade ago where I thought for certain I was about to die, and had a minute even to think about it, and it didn’t really bother me. Since then, death doesn’t scare me at all. My only concern is that I hope euthanasia is legal when the time comes so that I can ensure that it will be

Sadly, a lot of it is generational and reinforced from woman to woman. My mother was taken out of school in grade 10, since her family didn’t see the point in educating their daughter past that point. For decades she thought it was because she wasn’t as smart as her brothers. She got over that, but still held some

Thanks for posting this. I can’t believe how offended some of the commenters are. It’s hard for people to find factual information about abortions, and so important to dispel the myths and misinformation around it.

He’s rich enough to have a rep speak for him but not willing to pay an extra $50 for the extended leg room? I wonder if he was so thrifty when he could expense his flights.

I know, but when women enforce patriarchal bullshit like this I see it as a sort of Stockholm syndrome survival tactic.