Attention men:
Attention men:
I don’t remember my first Sci fi novel, or the first horror novel, or any other genre, but I certainly remember my first romance. It was “Guardian Angel” by Julie Garwood. I was 13, it was 1994, and I found it behind my older sister’s bed. As someone who grew up in a very repressed christian household where sex was…
Any rule of humans over humans will always end up badly. We’re selfish and corrupt at the source. I’ll just hope that a somewhat benevolent AI overlord rises up sooner rather than later.
The list goes on!
Unrelated to the movie, but I feel the need to say I’m getting sick of the trend of naming books after the female protagonist’s relationship to the men in her life. The Shoemaker’s Wife. The Calligrapher’s Daughter. The Zookeeper’s wife. The Baker’s Daughter. Etc etc.
We need a vote to pick the best description. Whichever staff member thought of it gets a prize. I vote for #155 from 2016.
False equivalency, since that involves the hypothetical child hurting someone else.
The fact that the law exists is bad enough, but I can’t wrap my head around the idea of a mother wanting her teenage daughter to be arrested and face jail time for this.
This is the best piece of investigative reporting I have ever read. Bravo.
This is sadly topical:
A ferret harness, since it was the only one that fit when she was that young.
The plot thickens! Well, thanks for the semi-confirmation :)
The plot thickens! Well, thanks for the semi-confirmation :)
It could have simply been shared by someone who wants to remain anonymous. We’ve just never seen this type of post there before, and with the univision buyout, we were curious. Thanks for answering!
It could have simply been shared by someone who wants to remain anonymous. We’ve just never seen this type of post…
Can you answer a question we’re curious about? Did you share this to Groupthink directly, or did someone else?
Can you answer a question we’re curious about? Did you share this to Groupthink directly, or did someone else?
Four out of five scienticians say their products are 100% real.
My mother, who was emotionally abused by her own parents, always said she really related to that deep desire to be loved by someone. I think that’s the meaning behind the book in a nutshell.