
I saw my mother cry from pain once while growing up (appendix), and it remains the most horrific moment of my childhood. I can’t imagine seeing that regularly.

I’ve been dyeing my hair red for years, and it’s funny what gets blamed on it when people assume it’s natural. Sunburns, temper, being cold, etc. Once I had to give blood and the nurse couldn’t easily find a vein. She said it was because redheads have tiny veins. I didn’t know how to respond.

Or it’s a perfect example of the best meals that a gluten-free diet has to offer.

She just wants everyone who doesn’t have a perfect body like hers to stay home or at least out of public view. Is that so much to ask? Perfect people like her shouldn’t be subjected to normals.

Same with me (although you can substitute RRSPS since I’m not from the US).

When I saw the title, I was all set to be self-righteous and feel good about being really smart with money, but I have no idea how bonds work. I can budget like there’s no tomorrow, but am completely clueless about investments and such.

Wow, that’s just sad to think about.

Can’t see it in Canada :(

I wonder how many generations it will be until these ideas are wiped out. I’d love to think that girls born recently wouldn’t be exposed to it, but I know that’s a pipe dream.

I’m embarrassed to say that when I saw the title of the article my first thought was “Why replace her with a man?” Stupid subconscious ingrained prejudices.

The poor, poor soul.

It’s a good thing that I’m thick-skinned and more amused by all the passionate condemnations than anything else, because that’s really what you have to expect for poking your head out of GT.

Yeah, some people are feeling rather passionate about this one :) It doesn’t bother me to have a difference of opinion over it, at least.

Oh dear. Whatever will I do now?

As I said to someone else, I can see a manager refusing to give time off for graduation. I just have a hard time buying the fact that that manager knows that the employee is an orphan who’s had the most dickensian childhood possible and is completely oblivious (given everything else that the manager reports goes on at

Yeah. It seems to be some sort of customer service based job (I could be wrong), and in all the CS/call centre jobs I’ve worked, sticking around for 6 months was enough to put you in higher seniority groups.

That could be.

I’ve had some shitty managers over the years, including one who told a man who took the day off to take care of his sick daughter that he was selfish for letting down the (work) team, but this still sounds fake to me. The employee couldn’t possibly be more sympathetic, and the manager couldn’t be more comically evil

I want this now.

The best proof that there is intelligent life in the universe is that they stay far away from humanity.