
RIP Donna.

This one also applies:

Kevin James and this show are the epitome of white male privilege

Kevin James is popular? Where? With whom? Why? When? Like right now?

My mom did that with my brother once. He asked me, “Are you on the rag?” and she overheard it, and ripped him up one side and down the other. He had a look on his face, “Jeez, I really screwed up.” He never said it again. So yeah. Don’t tolerate “boys will be boys” misogyny any more than you would blatant racism.

I used to work with young people, and these days you get training on radicalisation (spotting the warning signs, what to do, etc.) and its all about Radical Islam and White Power organisations, as you would expect. I actually raised this stuff, because I’ve come across it on the internet quite a bit and there was this


I love the term “incel-tier girlfriend”. For these guys, it’s not even about not having sex with women - it’s not having sex with the right women. The kind of women they deserve to bone. And they feel so entitled to this that if they don’t get it, they think the best corrective action is to murder random people.

I don’t know what to think about this, my ex used to force me to eat and I find this movie fucking disgusting because in a way it’s being normalized by things like this.

This is really condescending and oversimplified and completely unhelpful. I’m a producer in Los Angeles with insurance and my out of pocket for my twins was still almost ten thousand dollars. Maybe that’s not a lot of money to you but I sure did everything by the books and it’s a lot of money to me to be expected to

Ima get a little philosophical here. This is where Williams/ Nagel’s moral luck idea comes into play: an action isn’t good or bad until later, when further context clarifies its goodness or badness. If Trump had lost the elctions, this hair fluffing moment would have been a meaningless, goofy memory, but, because

Implicit bias has shown up gruesomely in the past few weeks in (white) reactions to the six black children killed by their two mothers. The responses of many white people have been to scramble for ways to elevate the “humanity” of Sarah and Jessica Hart and emphasize what “loving, selfless parents” they were.

Yeah, like, I was happy for her because on paper, getting a Chuck Lorre show with Kevin James is a big career move, but I was also like, “oh man she’s so much better than this material.”

And she no longer has to pretend Kevin James is funny!

Rarely is this sentiment ever sincere but, Erinn really is better off.

I strongly disagree. This is not in any way equal to “what Tarantino did”.

I recently got into the BDSM scene. I didn’t realize that if you’re a newbie, you have to be the masochist. What a gyp that turned out to be.

How do people feel about the potential conflict of interest in Angie Rowntree doubling as a consent advocate when working as a scene photographer for her HUSBAND’S company?