
Next, Mike Pence will teach us how to not suck dick at a Grayhound station.

dear God, the magic picture in her attic must be absolutely gorgeous

I would also love for someone better than Cuomo to come along. Oh, and by the way, there could be someone better. Do you know who else is running? Terry Gipson, a former state senator. Increased funding for state parks and the environmental protection fund. Also increased funding for grants for job-creating

I’ll take political insider over political incompetent. Nixon isn’t running for mayor of a medium-sized town, or comptroller, or a spot on the NYC council. She is *entirely* unqualified for this and the fact that she’s running for governor shows how unqualified she is. This isn’t a young Democrat with a long-term plan

I am trying not to be super salty about this because any improvement would be good but for fuck’s sake. It is REALLY HARD for me to be rooting for better paternity policies for men (especially in other countries) when the maternity policies here in the US are still a goddamn crapshoot. I know it’s not the point of the

Capitalism wants more workers, doesn’t want to cover the labor and expense of creating them and so offloads it onto current workers while still demanding the total output of their labor for current industry.

I feel bad for the Dad but... my need to leave at 5pm to get home and feed my under 1 child is questioned, and counts against me at my job.

C’mon Bundo, you know what to do....

Bible Thumper.

another proof the we need to ban books.

Sally Field in Mrs Doubtfire.

Omg I have always watched that scene where she “kills the mood out of fear that he’ll spill beer on her Italian silk couch” and thought that would be me. He really would have spilled the beer. I just couldn’t let that happen. I’ve thought about that scene a lot and have tried to work against my calling as a neurotic

I am surprised the pink lady rejected the money from pornhub.

Oh, I just watch toon titties. Nothing better than wankin it to cartoon titties. Impossible to harm fictional characters. And on top of that there’s often much more romantic stuff to go along with the sex. I really enjoy the lovey dovey stuff. Makes the sex more fun.

Scary thoughts like what? Has he indicated he might want to hurt someone? I realize this is a very personal topic, but you said “scary” but that you weren’t afraid. Just wondering what could fall into that category. As a woman, I can’t imagine what would be scary but not worrying.

I had a very brief porn career and while I never experienced anything close to this, it left me pretty bruised emotionally. Having an average build kinda made it hard to book jobs because I wasn’t heavy enough for BBW but not thin enough for most “average” shoots. I certainly left with body image issues but the men I

This. Just take it away if it can’t be used responsibly. Guns. Porn. Sorry not sorry. Find a new hobby that doesn’t take advantage of other beings. I’d be a very hated dictator but idgaf if it’s for the better good.

Aaaand this is why I read hentai instead lol. Give me as much shit about erotic art being gross or weird as you want, but I’d much rather be a perv loser than participate in an industry that victimizes and debases real human beings just for other people to jerk it to.

You can say the culture needs to change, but why would it? It’s a highly addictive product with an industry that isn’t highly regulated. I think that’s like saying there’s no reason the black market for drugs doesn’t need to be abusive. Good luck changing that.

So much for the people who insist porn is a “healthy outlet” populated by happy well adjusted people with broad minded outlooks on personal freedoms. For the hetro men, maybe. The whole industry is sordid and sleazy, just look at the stats on how short a time most women can handle the business. Makes me sad.