
Agree 100%. Anyone who thinks the further sexualization of women who participate in the informal economy is going to be a good thing is fucking deluded.

No one is accusing JD of sexual assault. Sexism, and sexist verbal abuse are still unacceptable, and especially unacceptable in the context of professional interactions.

He continues to fight because he genuinely feels gaslit. He genuinely thinks his behavior and morals have been consistent, and society is being inconsistent.

Go your mom! She probably made his, yours, hers and a lot of women’s lives a lot better in one instant. That’s fucking awesome.

I think kids are evolutionarily programmed not to be able to grasp the concept of accident. It’s to their advantage to assume that they solicit every consequence with their actions, so that they’ll continue to act, and learn and increase their chances of surviving to adulthood.

I work with kids in an educational capacity once a year. I’ve sat through a lot of training on kids and classroom management. And child psychology. Honestly? Kids always feel responsible for their own victimization. It wouldn’t have mattered if your attacker was a woman and she’d walked up to you and slapped you.

Well Elliot Rodger’s father offered to get him a prostitute in Nevada. So... yeah.

Wow. That’s actually a fascinating story. That’s definitely a hallmark of a radical terrorist organization/hate group. Destroy anyone who leaves the group.

There was a male intellectual who wrote a short piece on incels a little while ago after a bunch of them started harassing him online, and calling him a beta. He was like, “Wow. I just discovered this subculture. With it’s own dehumanizing language. Did anyone else know about this? This may be a problem.” And I had

I read/watched Sodini’s.... “manifestos?” (loose descriptor). He is the epitome of this. He was specifically upset that young women in their early 20s had smiled at him, with no intention of ever being with him. That’s what he wanted. That’s the only thing he wanted. A woman in her early twenties. He was middle aged.

Right. But I think this article really missed the mark in leaving out how central his HAPA identity was to his sexual politics. And you have to admit that the MRA doctrine regarding HAPA identity is definitely white male toxicity.

Rodger Elliot wrote, specifically, about being a non-white incel. He self identified as a HAPA, half Asian/half White. He bought into MRA ideology about HAPAs, which is complex and super fucked up. Long story short: MRAs believe that white men have a prerogative to marry and reproduce with Asian women, who are more

“See Aristotle”

Yeah. It’s a good plot line. But... the only way to actually use the porn is to practice getting off to the abuse. Which I guess is an interesting concept. Porn against abuse, that makes you enjoy the abuse to watch it. Interesting for an art project. But not the sort of commercial project that I’d be ok supporting,

Obviously abstinence only education is a misnomer - what they actually want is compulsory heterosexual p in v sex for baby making in the context of marriage - and withholding information isn’t educational.

I don’t feel as bad for him as you do. But I think you’re right. I’d only add that I think Trump was already a material evil. His existence already degraded public discourse and the democratic process. I can sympathize with Fallon in so far as I think, in that context, the hair ruffle was maybe an act of self

I have so many different stories about these women. From the woman whose children were Black Africans (I don’t know from where) but who was raising them to speak, as their first language, a European language that was neither their language nor her language nor a language that anyone in town spoke. To the woman who

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Looks good. Also looks way too realistic and close to home to sit all the way through. Ick.

I live in Portland, Oregon, where the two white mothers who drove their kids of the cliff had been part of the progressive community here. On Facebook, after the tragedy, people (mostly women, some of whom I know personally) were engaging in long postings and comment threads describing how terribly “stressed out”

I don’t think you know much about the Puritans. Like pornographers, they too believed that women’s sexuality was a prime commodity. “Sex work = work.” That’s what I used to say before I, you know, had sex.