Les Mikesell

You can’t get elected without vast quantities of money. So you aren’t going to have a Left-wing party without a source of funding. Labor unions are pretty much gone. The majority of people don’t have much to spare and the 1% are only interested in keeping more for themselves so they are going to back the extreme Right

For netflix, all you have to do is start to watch something in a web browser or any device and stop, and resuming it will be your first choice on any other device. Or you can make a small instant queue to have only a few arrows to get there. But, it seems to be built into youtube and netflix apps to be able to ‘cast’

Many TV’s youtube and netflix apps will support ‘casting’ from the equivalent phone/tablet app if you prefer to navigate there.

How about if you just don’t buy a new shiny thing unless it at least claims to have a protocol to interoperate with other brands of shiny things? Or shut up about the problem buying it causes when you realize it matters and you have to throw it out and start over with the next shiny thing.

Yes, it helps explain a lot of US politics to remember that half the voters are below average intelligence.

Because Republicans hate women that much.

Don’t be silly about not reclining. If everyone reclines they have just as much space as if no one does. And there is nothing better to do on a plane than sleep the whole time.

You do understand that there is another party that actually represents normal people, don’t you? Tax cuts for special interests and the very rich are the only real issue for the GOP - leaving your children to pay the government debts left behind. They have to play religion and race cards to get any support at all from

In the US it is your duty to sue the crap out of anyone who makes a mistake even if it makes you look like a racist asshole. How else can we keep all the lawyers rich?

Do you have to use imported zip ties to fit correctly?

I wish the comparison included the family plans. That used to be the only good deal from Sprint since you got the extra subsidized phones and unlimited data/text for a small add-on charge.

There’s no hope that men will ever understand what women are thinking. Why don’t they just say what they want so no one has to guess?

Is there a right-mouse click equivalent in touch mode? And if so, what happens when you use it somewere that doesn’t have a right-click action but does have one for left-click? Do you inadvertantly cause the left-click action when you really just want to check for a context menu?

If you need to come up with a reason to make love, maybe you just shouldn’t be together.

I guess transracial is a thing now and we should respect it.

Yes - you are. If you have any traffic or construction, google’s GPS will find the fastest route better than your guesswork. Besides, there is something comforting about the nice lady’s voice.

LA is kind of a special case though, where highways seem to have been dropped in after the fact without sensible ramps and signage so you can’t find them without GPS. And a traffic-aware GPS might save you an hour of sitting in a jam somewhere.

I think that’s why they have rentals. For the things you don’t need every day...

For adults: aspirin for headaches (or alka-seltzer which seems to work faster and also deals with an upset stomach) - generic ibuprofen for everything else.

Even Monty Python knows that every sperm is sacred.