Les Mikesell

This has nothing to do with ‘average groups’. Regardless of who was behind it, it would have been 1 or a few people involved on a ‘need to know’ basis. And it is far from the only attack on Linux/Open Source. This one was underestimated: https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2011/08/31/linux_kernel_security_breach/

A lot of things Steve Ballmer tried didn’t work.  I wouldn’t take ‘working’ as criteria for thinking that a large software company might try it.

Sure, and with good planning that evidence will never be available. 

I’ve wondered if the xv scenario could have been all a ruse from a large software company to cast shade on open source and increase their own sales.  Seems like exactly the players that would have both the resources and motive.

Why does Apple maintain the artificial split between MacOS and touchscreen devices - especially now that they can have the same processors?   Windows had it right all along: make the same apps understand touch screens.

Did it say “Sorry Dave...”?

My Asus Zenbook flex has a setting to only charge to 80%. I use it unless I am planning to travel. It also goes to low power battery saver mode at 20% but I think that may be a stock windows setting.

I wish they would prime it with all the online university courses that at least are mostly-true instead of random things people have said on the internet.

The FCC controls what goes over public airwaves. That’s why good taste went out the window when cable channels started.

Make that a 65-100W USB C output and get the price under $50 and I’m in. Would be great to travel with one small box that could power a laptop and charge a phone/watch/earbuds.

I thought they were trying to tell us that the balloon flew higher than planes could go.   Hmmm, could the government lie to us?

Any bets on how long it is before some US spy equipment in the Taiwan Strait is blown up?

I think I’d rather take 2 placebos.  Maybe they add up to the same effect...

Or, like most political statements, it is a lie intended to mislead.

Won’t someone think of the poor weapons vendors and defense contractors that used to be on the receiving side of this:

Really should have pranked them with fake easily decrypted military transmissions all the way across the country.  Actually, I’d assume that we did.

Seems like it was our chance to prank them with transmissions of false easily-decrypted military plans.   I wonder if that happened.

I don’t think things like that happen in San Diego’s Safari Park.  Or zoo.

But would it have been alive in the first place if not for the likely possibility to sell to a place like that?  Which is better?

But it is Florida.  They don’t have rules there.