Les Mikesell

Hypocrisy is the highest virtue to Conservatives.

Waiting for this guy to be featured at a Trump rally.

Facts are simple

The can was “kicked” down the road because we (humans) made improvements.. (elimination of chlorofluorocarbons that were destroying to ozone, decreasing car emissions (note, I said DECREASING, not eliminating), in general becoming more energy efficient which reduces power plant issues, using more “Green” energy

There’s really no need to terraform, they’re just going to move there and jack with the land values. Living around the great lakes is cheaper than hell
(for now), and only getting more comfortable frankly.

I've always been worried about train conductors potentially losing their jobs due to looming automation, but it's great to see they can expand their careers and hit the roads as semi conductors. 

By the same reasoning, they should be going after all those verbal conversations that got deleted immediately as the sound waves dissipate...

Sources say school administrators were suspicious of the high school teacher who could apparently pay rent AND feed himself.

Having retention policies is standard practice for most large companies. It isn’t about hiding information, it’s about managing legal risk. If you have a policy to purge chats or emails on a well known, specific time period, and its applied uniformly across the business, this limits evidence in a potential future

Anyone who works in enterprise IT knows that there’s billions of lines of logging that can be produced per day, between the 10,000 systems working at all the OSI layers. Switches, firewalls, routers, load balancers, web servers, applications, etc etc.

I travel with a tiny BaseUS USB-C charger that’s rated at 65w with one C and 2 A-ports and costs under $30 on Amazon. Works great, I can’t run my 16" macbook pro at full load and charge everything at the same time but it’s plenty for charging up at night and keeping my phone and watch going too.

Yeah - if you think “the left” is in charge of the country right now I don’t know what to tell you.

oh, well, if the FBI says they found new evidence that our major geopolitical rival has been spying on us, it’s definitely true and not a blatant attempt at manufacturing consent for the coming war with China that the government and military are clearly and openly salivating over.

Can’t wait for this to : Start out a bit rough, get pretty good and usable by the end of the year, and be axed Q1 2024

Hmmm, it’s almost like Apple doesn’t want there to BE a used market. Gotta buy straight from the source if you want that overpriced logo on your computer. This definitely seems like it hurts the used market WAY more than it hurts thieves. Everyone knows apple stuff has Find My features now, so I don’t think theft is

I get 2 meds from the list from Costco every 3 months for about ~$12.

Arizona resident here, I have no sympathy for the Rio Verde Foothills, but they aren’t the real problem. Our last governor was allowing foreign companies to farm using the backup water supply for the Phoenix metro area free of charge to grow crops for cattle back home. Also we have water intensive crops being grown in

You know damn well that TC Energy will spend far more in time and money paying lawyers, lobbyists and PR flacks than they ever will actually cleaning up the site, compensating those affected or making sure it doesn’t happen elsewhere.

It’s so funny that Biden didn’t’ even rise (or fall) the fuck you level. He was respectful. And Republicans still lost their shit, which is no so predicable.

“He’s being divisive!” is just the next hit to go with the other bangers like “lock her up!” “build that wall!” “you will not replace us!” and “fuck Joe Biden!”.